Dailymotion Video Display
Plugin Description:
Derived from Youtube Video Display by luar007, You can use Dailymotion Video Display to add a dailymotion Video on the page from the dailymotion video ID by using the code : {dailymotion_-id-}. For example, the url is: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20iek_madagascar-documentaire_travel (the permalink is http://dai.ly/x20iek). Then, the id of the video is x20iek. To insert the video into a page, simply add: {dailymotion_x20iek} or {dailymotion_x20iek_360_480} to specify the width and height of the video (360x480).
Install Instructions:
Simply copy and paste the dailymotion_video.php into your plugins directory and activate it from the plugins admin page.