Files Warden

Downloads: 782
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.1 - 3.3

Last Updated: January 3, 2018
Tags: plugin admin changes
Author: szyryanov
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.7) 10 Votes

Plugin Description:

Shows changes made on the website. Useful for viruses check.

Based on

How to use

First time it shows all the files and directories as added. Accept this change. Check again - no changes.

When you do something with the site (edit pages, install plugins, etc.) it will show changes made by you. Accept your changes.

From time to time (especially before making changes), check what has changed. If you see strange changes - be afraid! Your site may be infected with a virus. Investigate these suspicious changes. But if there are no unexpected changes, most likely everything is fine.

Click [+] [-] to expand/collapse directories. Click the change circle (*) (+) (-) to see change details.

How it works

It saves a current state (directories and files list with date/time and size information) into a json file. Next time it compares the saved state and present one. The following changes can are detected:

  • directory added
  • directory deleted
  • file added
  • file edited (data/time or size changed)
  • file deleted
  • directory converted to file (with the same name)
  • file converted to directory

Email notification

You can perform a manual changes check every day or every hour... but it's tedious, is not it? Instead you can setup a cron task (or something similar). The task will call a plugins/files-warden/check.php script. For example:


The script performs changes check. When changes are detected, it sends e-mail notification and set a "NotificationSent" flag. The next time it will skip the check until the flag is reset. Therefore, it will not send many notifications for the same changes. You should just accept the changes to reset the flag.

You can enable the notifications on the plugin's "SETTINGS" page.

Install Instructions:


Unzip the file to your plugins directory, activate the plugin. You will see "Files Warden" side menu item on the "Plugins" tab.


Deactivate the plugin, delete plugins/files-warden.php file and plugins/files-warden directory. Also delete data/other/files-warden directory.

Upgrade from version 1.0 to 1.1

Unzip the file to your plugins directory, open the plugin's "MAIN" page (i.e. just click "Files Warden" side menu item on the "Plugins" tab). Enable email notifications on the plugin's "SETTINGS" page, if you want.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide