Fix PL orphans / Poprawienie wisz?cych sierotek

Downloads: 412
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.3

Last Updated: April 30, 2014
Tags: pl orphans sierotki typografia
Author: sbatko
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

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Plugin Description:

This plugin automatically fixes orphans in page content for you! (In Polish)
Right after installation :) and also when saving individual pages.

PL: Ten plugin poprawia wisz?ce sierotki w tre?ci stron zaraz po instalacji (i w??czeniu oczywi?cie). Poprawia równie? tre?? strony po zapisie w adminie.

v.01 - Initial release.

Install Instructions:

Unzip into your plugins directory and enable in admin/plugins.