Front-End User Login

Downloads: 16718
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.1

Last Updated: April 1, 2012
Tags: user login login multi user front-end login
Author: mikeh
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.1) 51 Votes

Plugin Description:

Outline Of Plugin:

  • Users Can Register For An Account

  • Users Can Sign In And Logout

  • Pages Can Be Protected Via A Checkbox On Edit Page Screen

  • CSS For All Plugin Related Elements Can Be Edited Via Plugin Settings Page In Admin

  • Protected Page Message Can Be Edited Via WYSIWYG Editor In Plugins Settings Page - (The Protected Message is what shows up if the user is not logged in and is trying to view a protected page)

I appreciate any & all input & Suggestions!
Very Soon I will add a paypal (IPN) script to this plugin to enable website owners to charge users for account creation.

Changes: Version 2.0 (8/05/2011)

  • Expanded User Login Plugin Management via "Manage Users" page accessible through settings page. You can now add, edit, delete, and view all users.

  • An email is now sent to the user upon them registering. It includes their username, password, and a link your website. The "From" Address can be edited from the plugins settings page (However, it can remain the default,

Version 2.5 (8/05/2011)

  • Added "Email All Users" form to easily send emails to all your site's users. The email form has fields for changing the "from address", "subject line", and ckeditor textarea to edit the message body. The message can contain html/css/js etc..

Version 2.6 (8/30/2011)

  • Fixed Javacsript to be compatible with Internet Explorer 7-9
  • Fixed logout link

Version 3.0 (3/12/2012)

  • Can now support xml storage or database storage (using PDO)

    There is an option to transfer xml stored users to database

    At any time you can chose to switch back to xml or back to database

    There is a tool on the settings page to auto create the database and table (If your host allows)

    There is an option to display pdo error messages

  • Fixed bug in "Add User" form

  • Added "Help" link to plugin nav to assist in setting up and using the plugin Includes an explanation of how to display content in your template files only to logged in users

  • Fixed various other bugs

  • Plugin was completely re-coded to make room for user login custom fields, paypal integration, and future additions

Version 3.1 (4/1/2012)

  • Fixed issue of data/site-users directory not being created
  • Fixed issue where registering from the front-end did not work despite reporting a successful creation

Install Instructions:

Click Here For More Detailed Instructions In Forum

Click Here For Live Example Of Plugin


Step 1:Drag The contents of into the plugins folder

Step 2:Protect Desired Pages

Step 3: Include plugin functions in theme

Below Are The Available Functions:

The Below Code Displays The Login Form

<?php echo show_login_box(); ?>

The Below Code Displays The Welcome Message & logout Link (Shown When User Is Logged In)

 <?php echo welcome_message_login(); ?>

The Below Code Displays The Register Form

<?php user_login_register(); ?>

Archived Versions:

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