GS Blog

Downloads: 23065
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.1

Last Updated: December 21, 2012
Tags: gs-blog blog news manager pages posts special categories rss
Author: mikeh
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4) 69 Votes

Plugin Description:

Outline Of Plugin:

  • Create blog posts

  • Blog categories

  • Post archives

  • Recent posts

  • Blog post tags

  • Search box

  • RSS importer

  • Automatic RSS feed generator (created each time a post is created or edited & includes dynamic version - Validated RSS)

  • RSS feed for each category

  • External comments support (using Disqus)

  • Ability to place ads in multiple different areas of blog

  • ShareThis integration

  • AddThiss integration

  • Blog Post thumbnails

  • Custom fields will be enabled in version 1.2

I appreciate any & all input & suggestions!

Change Log

Version 1.0.1 - 05-16-2012

  • Removed remaining hard coded text from plugin files (en_US.php file updated)
  • Added 2 language files
    • da_DA.php (provider: chrsand)
    • es_ES.php (provider: focoves)
  • Fixed error on front end that was occuring if there were no posts made
  • Added class="current" in plugin admin navigation bar links

Version 1.0.2 - 05-16-2012

  • Re-worked create_excerpt() method to deal with special characters.

Version 1.0.3 - 05-18-2012

  • Added i18n tag to two input values which were missing them

  • Added int check for $maxchars variable for create_excerpt() method

  • Added disuqs comments support

  • Added disqus comment count support

Version 1.1 - 05-18-2012

  • Added ShareThis integration

  • Added AddThis integration

  • Added ability to insert ads in 4 differant areas

  • Fixed internationalization issue (language was not switching)

  • Fixed issue with Disqus comment count link

Version 1.1.1 - 05-18-2012

  • Added ability to upload a thumbnail for each blog post.

  • Added "Display Post Thumbnails" option in settings page

Version 1.1.2 - 05-23-2012

  • Added "Display Post Date" option in settings page
    • This will display the date under the post title in the front end
  • Added "Previous Blog Page" and "Next Blog Page" text boxes in settings page
    • This will enable you to choose what text to display for post pagination on front end
  • Fixed upload limit issue with thumbnail uploader
  • Fixed post date sorting bug
    • NOTICE: If you already have this plugin installed, this change will most likely cause your sorting to become inaccurate. Sadly, you will have to resave each post or manually change the date to the below format:
    • example: 05/23/2012 06:30:14 pm
  • Fixed ad placement issue
  • Updated docblock comment for class

Version 1.1.3 - 05-25-2012

  • Fixed thumbnail uploader bug
  • Fixed errors occurring upon first installing

Version 1.1.4 - 05-31-2012

  • Fixed some bugs in relation to "Previous Blog Post" & "Next Blog Post" links
  • Added text area and checkbox in settings page to display CSS. Also added list of available ids and classes and an example of the html behind a post.
  • Added a few more css classes to elements
  • Fixed Pretty URL bug
  • Fixed labels
  • Added German language file (provided by kidata)

Version 1.1.5 - 06-01-2012

  • Added field to control how many posts are in RSS feed
  • Added CDATA to category xml file to fix special characters bug

Version 1.1.6 - 06-02-2012

  • Dynamic RSS Feed
    • You will find a new RSS feed link in the help panel. It is generated on the fly and can be passed parameters for category and tags
    • Each category now has its own RSS feed associated with it. You can view a categories rss feed from the categories page.
  • Fixed archives being sorted alphabetically. They are now sorted by date

Version 1.2 - 06-21-2012

  • Custom Fields Implemented
  • Added options for showrecentposts() function to optionally display excerpt, read more link, show thumbnails, and define the excerpt length
  • Added ability to template the blog pages (from the settings page)
  • Updated Spanish and English language file
  • Various other minor changes

Version 1.2.1 - 06-22-2012

  • Fixed issue preventing category dropdown from being populated on the "edit page" screen

Version 1.2.2 - 07-30-2012

  • Fixed security vulnerability! - Fixed insecure image upload file. It is very important you update for this fix.

Version 1.4 - 07-30-2012

  • Added "Permissions" which are enabled if you are using the the Multi User Plugin (Ver. 1.8.2+) - Polished permissions process
  • Fixed issue where posts which had a category did not have the category selected automatically under "post options"
  • Fixed "View All Categories" issue where it was only showing posts without a category
  • Removed codemirror from all admin pages that do not belong to blog plugin
  • Disabled posts without titles from being created
  • Added RSS auto-detection in theme header
  • Fixed JS errors on editor pages
  • Placed tags in blogpostcontainer in frontend
  • getSettingsData method returns entire settings file in array if $node param is not provided
  • Added ability to add "Read More" link after excerpt and choose text to display (disabled by default)
  • Added ability to display post count next to archive months in archives function (disabled by default)
  • Fixed some tag errors.
  • Added hooks for custom permissions which can be used if using the latest version of the multi-user plugin (on github)
  • Added new function to display post title
  • Fixed bug with tags, they were not checking if there are not tags for a post
  • Updated documentation on help page and blog custom page help
  • Re-organized entire plugin
  • Updated DocBlocks
  • Optimized front end controller for posts - using switch statements instead of conditionals
  • Various other changes I forgot to add to the list

Version 1.4.1 - 09-24-2012

  • Fixed en_US.php lang file which was corrupted during push to github.

Version 1.5 - 12-21-2012

  • Fixed lang issue
  • Fixed excerpt issue where excerpts were not being created correctly for posts with large amounts of html
  • Added "Display post excerpt in meta description" option on settings page
  • Fixed permissions issues
  • Categories can now have languages other than english

Install Instructions:


Step 1: Drag The contents of into the plugins folder

Step 2: Go to pages->Blog Manager->settings in your admin panel

Step 3: Choose page to display blog posts on and fill in other optional settings.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide