GSgallery (Simple Image Gallery)

Downloads: 17735
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 -

Last Updated: October 31, 2011
Tags: gallery images portfolio squareit gsgallery
Author: juliancc
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(2.7) 66 Votes

Plugin Description:

GSgallery is a Simple Image Gallery plugin for GetSimple CMS.


  • Create multiple galleries
  • Multiple galleries in the same page
  • Ability to put caption to images
  • Plugins support. (Extends the basic functionality of GSgallery)
  • Multi-Language support

Partial Change Log

v 2.5.3

  • More compatability changes with GetSimple 3.0
    • Rename of the GS admin folder is now supported
  • Changed the path where the gallery xml files are stored.
  • Improved health check, that lets user know when the directories do not have the correct permissions

v 2.5.2

  • Compatability with new versions of GS 2.04 + 3.0beta
  • Removed javascript align middle, now using a CSS solution
  • If no caption is present in any of the images, then automatically remove caption placeholder

Install Instructions:

To install:

  • Unzip and upload the content of the plugin file into the "plugins" directory inside of GetSimple.
  • Once uploaded make sure that you have the correct permissions. I would set all the contents inside the plugin to 755 or higher.

To Upgrade

  • Copy the files in the squareit-gallery/data/ folder to a temp folder
  • Copy the files in the root of the plugin directory (squareit-gallery) to a temp folder
  • Install the new version, and make sure you copy the files from data back to the data folder.
  • If you are upgrading from 2.5.2 and below to a newer version, then, you need to copy the gallery files found in the root of the plugin directory over to squareit-gallery/data/galleries

To use:

  • Upload some images to GetSimple using the file uploader tab
  • Then go to the Image Gallery Tab and create a new gallery.
  • Select the images you want to display in the gallery and put the corresponding captions
  • save the gallery and once in the list view, select the "CODE" and copy it.
  • now go to the page you want to see the gallery and edit it (Pages Tab)
  • paste the code you copied and save the page and you should be all set up.
  • go the the front end and double check everything is working as expected

2.5 Beta Features (How To)

The new display function.

squareit_gallery($gallery_id, $return); 

With the new version of GSgallery 2.5 you will be able to use this display function to include galleries within your template, component, or if you are using the exec_php plugin.


  • $galleryid => The ID of the gallery (without the squareitgallery) so if the code is "squareitgallery4bdafa5d584f6" you only need "4bdafa5d584f6"
  • $return => Boolean (true/false) - This if set true, insead of the function echoing the output, it will return the output.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide