Items Manager

Downloads: 10976
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.1

Last Updated: July 30, 2012
Tags: items manager products items blog catelog
Author: mikeh
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.2) 23 Votes

Plugin Description:

An items manager to manage products, services, and other related items.

Detailed information about this plugin can be found in the support thread.


  • Individual Customs Fields Manager
  • Full control over every field for the manager, including wysiwyg editors and custom file uploaders.
  • Results Page, Can be narrowed down by category
  • Category Manager to create new categories of products or services
  • Easily include item data into your template

Change Log

Version 1.1 - 01-29-2011 - Fixed issue where adding or deleting categories reset Items Manager settings - Fixed image uploader path issue on front end

Version 1.2 - 02-06-2011 - Fixed issue where creating/deleting a category reset results page coding.

Version 1.3 - 03-16-2012 - Added file browser to ckeditor (credit: nelmaven)

Version 1.4 - 03-16-2012 - If changing the title of an item, the item's filename will be updated accordingly. Previously it would create a new item and leave the old item unchanged.

Version 1.5 - 06-01-2012 - Fixed thumbnail upload file size issue.

Version 1.6 - 07-30-2012

  • Fixed security vulnerability! - Fixed insecure image upload file. It is very important you update to version 1.6 for this fix.

  • Rearranged and structured some files

  • Added ability to sort items. add sort=fieldtosortby in the url on the display all items page for simple sorting.

Install Instructions:

Drag Contents From Zip File To Plugins Folder

Browse To Pages->Items Manager->Settings Page

Choose Title Of Items Manager, Page To Display Results On, & Choose The Page You Would Like The Individual Items To Be Displayed On

Browse To Pages->Items Manager->Custom Fields Page

Choose Desired Custom Fields. Note: you could choose an uploader to upload item specific images and retrieve them separate from content area.

Use Custom Fields In Items Detailed Page's Template

Retreive the value of the item's custom fields by placing simple code snippets in the "Item Details Page" template file (See Code Example Below). Below Is A Modified template.php File From Innovation Theme (Renamned to template_item.php

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide