GS Custom Settings

Downloads: 10046
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: November 5, 2015
Tags: GS Custom Settings fields settings input template interactive lookup
Author: Tyblitz
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.8) 11 Votes

Plugin Description:

GS Custom Settings is a plugin which lets webmasters/ site managers, theme and plugin developers implement and use their own custom settings for output, configuration, and cross-plugin/-theme communication. It allows in one package to achieve the same as Custom fields (but site-wide instead of per page), Slogans, Theme Settings, Links Manager, Custom Title, Translate combined & more. The plugin offers 9 different types of input to choose from, 3 access levels, per-user editing permission, and an easy UI to create, import and export the settings. GS Custom Settings is built on KnockoutJS/ RequireJS and uses JSON for data storage. Important:you have to click 'Save Updates' to confirm every action, also after import/export. Your feedback is appreciated on the Support forum.

GS Custom Settings 0.6+ is not compatible with AdminXML Plus 0.2- and GSConfig UI 0.2.2-. For those, use v0.5 or older.


  • Custom settings for site managers, plugin and theme developers
  • 9 different setting types (select, radio, text, textarea, checkbox, color, image, date, section titles) + 3 fancy variants (FontAwesome)
  • Multilingual settings (with I18N plugin 2.5.8+)
  • 3 access levels for settings (normal, hidden, locked)
  • Output settings in pages with (% setting:tab/setting %) or in PHP with get_setting('tab','setting')
  • Restrict user editing permission per user (also with MultiUser 1.8.2+)
  • Feature-rich editing in 'edit' mode with multiselect, batch setting adding/removing & keyboard shortcuts
  • Responsive feedback through notifications
  • Import (IE10+ & other browsers)/ Export settings for re-use through the GUI
  • Build and export settings directly through the UI for your plugin/ theme
  • Extend existing themes and plugins with custom settings
  • Access settings from other themes and plugins
  • Fully i18n, even custom theme and plugin settings I18n-enabled
  • Available in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish & Dutch.


  • GS compatibility: Compatible and tested with GS 3.2.3+ (including latest)
  • PHP compatibility: Compatible and tested with PHP 5.2.1+ (might be compatible with earlier versions)
  • Browser compatibility: Compatible and tested with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+ (in IE8, import/ export/ multiselect don't work properly). Should be compatible with Safari too.

To read the full guide, go to the plugin's page. To report a bug or ask a question, go to the support forum or file an issue in the Github repo.

Install Instructions:

  1. If you are updating, first delete the folder custom_settings in the plugins directory.
  2. Extract the ZIP archive to the plugins folder.
  3. A 'Site' tab will appear in the admin navigation, click it and start building your settings. =)

Archived Versions:

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