MLD newsletter

Downloads: 8301
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.1

Last Updated: May 30, 2012
Tags: newsletter email news
Author: leenm
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(3.5) 26 Votes

Plugin Description:

The MLD newsletter plugin adds full e-mail newsletter functionality to your GetSimple website. Let visitors subscribe to your newsletters and keep them informed about your work or business.


  • Visitors can subscribe or unsubscribe themselves to your letters.
  • Subscription must be confirmed by clicking on link in confirmation email.
  • Manage the subscriptions.
  • Create a template for the header and footer of your letters.
  • Test send your newsletter to yourself before sending it to the world.
  • csv-import for subscribers


version 0.5

  • Fixed bug in url construction (thanks to luis)
  • Fixed bug in subscription procedure (thanks to luis)
  • Fixed bug in saving email_confirm (thanks to luis)
  • Fixed bug deleting letters
  • Fixed bug saving send status
  • Catch exeption when sending email
  • added frontend newsletter archive functionality

version 0.6

  • Added filters for use in content
  • Added option to send admin email to site admin
  • Hide send to subscribers button when newsletter already send

version 0.7

  • Fixed minor bugs due to lack of testing the script
  • Prevent the script from running twice
  • Subscribeform result message didn't show [FIXED]
  • Required settings indicator [ADDED]

version 0.8

  • AntiFlood plugin swiftmailer to prevent flooding of the SMTP server [ADDED]
  • Bug in subscribe function [FIXED]
  • csv import names and emails [ADDED]

Install Instructions:

  1. Download and unpack the .zip file containing the plugin.
  2. Copy downloaded files to the plugin folder of GetSimple.
  3. When you have GetSimple 3.0 installed: replace /admin/load.php with load.php provided in the download. This is needed for the sidebar to function properly.

That's all.


Place echo mldNewsletterForm(); in your template to display subscribe/unsubscribe form, or use (% mldsubscribeform %) in the content.

Place echo mldShowNewsletters(); in your template to display the newsletter archive (only send newsletters will be accessible), or use (% mldnewsletterarchive %) in the content.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide