My SMTP Contact

Downloads: 9044
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 2.01 - 3.3

Last Updated: September 25, 2021
Tags: contact form contact contacts smtp form forms mail
Author: denis
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.6) 15 Votes

Plugin Description:

This plugin will help you to set up a contact form with captcha and checkbox. Plugin can be used SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send mail.

  • ability to create multiple contact forms
  • standart or smtp ways to send mail
  • ability to send to multiple addresses
  • on/off captcha with salt
  • additional simple spam protection (hidden input)
  • on/off checkbox
  • translation into other languages
  • alternative fildes (you can create form elements, ability to send attachments)
  • save fields contents if incorrect input
  • substituting the senders email in the "from" field


admin example

customization example

  • Standart PHP mail sending is enabled by default. Alternative fields are disabled by default. Captcha uses cookies.

  • The plugin can be translated into other languages. See /lang/en.php, ru.php ... Make your translation and upload the "xx.php" file to the directory - /lang/ - then select your language file in the plugin settings. Do not use 'id', 'name' attribute for alternative fields.

  • SMTP tested with,, (ssl:// | ssl:// | ssl:// | port: 465). Should work with other, but I have not tested. To send from you need to click "ON" here:

  • The settings are stored in the plugin directory, when you update the plugin you need to enter your data again.

message example

Install Instructions:

Unzip and place file in the plugin folder of GetSimple. Then activate the plugin.

Create a contact form, select it and set the desired configuration. You can create multiple contact forms. For output, use a short-code or PHP-code that is automatically generated for each new contact form.

The short-code looks something like this:


OR php-code:

Add this line of code to the template where you would like to display the contact form. Or create a component and paste this code into it.

<?php if (function_exists('GetMSC')) { print GetMSC('auto_id'); } ?>

If you create a component and paste plugin code into it and you would like a component to be displayed on only one page, that can be done by adding the following code to your theme's template.php file:

<?php if (return_page_slug()=='PAGE') get_component('COMPNAME'); ?>

Don't forget to replace PAGE with your page's slug and COMPNAME with the component's name.

Then go to the plugin settings.

Archived Versions:

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