My Video Display

Downloads: 2194
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2 - 3.3

Last Updated: October 19, 2014
Tags: video player MP4 video file video
Author: kr75
Author Website:

(4.2) 6 Votes

Plugin Description:

The plugin allows you to add a video player on your site. The video must be on your site in the directory.

Note: For correct operation requires a framework To add a video to this page - simply insert the tag (% myvideo path=/folder/folder/video.mp4 %). The path must point to the video. You may set frame size of the player, just set width=X height=Y (X, Y is size in pixels).

For better view, use the preview image that should be placed next to a video file with the same name only with jpg extension

For example:

video file: somevideo.mp4

preview file: somevideo.mp4.jpg


video file: MP98340.ogg

preview file: MP98340.ogg.jpg

Install Instructions:

Just copy the myvideo_display.php file in the plugin folder

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide