Pages Access

Downloads: 1890
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: May 22, 2017
Tags: pages access admin users
Author: cobber
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4) 5 Votes

Plugin Description:

Please note: As this is a newer plugin, changes may occur frequently in the first few days of release. If you experience any problems, please refer the forum thread to see when the last update occurred. You may need to download and install a fresh copy

Pages Access

Restrict the backend page access of GS to logged in users. Displaying of content would depend on which groups or pages they have been assigned access to. eg: the pages tab would only display a list of pages that they are authorised to see and edit.

Simple use

The plugin use is fairly simple, most of the time it's self explanatory. An example task would be the admin selecting a user and then a page followed by clicking the add or remove button as required. The plugin will also provide warning or success notification when a user conducts a task.

Functions include:

- adding/removing a user to a page
- adding/removing a user to a group
- adding/removing a group to page

Install Instructions:

Download and unzip(unpack) the plugin.

Next place the 'categories' folder into data/other/

Place the folder and file named pages_access into the plugins directory.

Activate the plugin within the plugins tab.

Now navigate to the 'Pages' tab and refresh the browser (F5 on your keyboard). If your page is not responding and the tab doesn't display at first, click other tabs and the pages tab will display after a few seconds.

The new 'pages_access' tab will now appear in the back end. Click on the tab to receive the overview of your pages.

When the plugin first loads it will add the currently logged in user name to the 'admin' array.(This is why we refresh in the pages tab).

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide