Pages Fields

Downloads: 967
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.1 - 3.1

Last Updated: December 31, 2012
Tags: Pages Fields Field References Excerpts
Author: megiddo
Author Website:

(5) 1 Votes

Plugin Description:

This is an extension of the pages-excerpts plugin.

It works almost identically, except that it will display the content from any field stored in the page XML structure.

Function call

To print the field of the page index:

echo page_customfield('index', 'title');

You can also define the output type (text or html, text by default) as third parameter :

echo page_excerpt('index', 'title', 'text');

And a name for a "read more" link following the field:

echo page_excerpt('index', 'title', 'text', '

The fourth field also accepts dashes (-) as spaces:

echo page_excerpt('index', 'title', 'text', 'Read-More');

Page parsing

A page excerpt can be called from page editor with tag :

(% customfield: name, title %)

And output type :

(% excerpt : name, title, html %)

And the read more text:

(% excerpt : name, title, html, Read-More %)

Install Instructions:

  1. Download it

+ Unzip to /plugin directory