PubDate Fix (publication date)

Downloads: 2945
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 2.03 - 3.3

Last Updated: March 19, 2015
Tags: date time fix fixed datetime picker post posts news blog publication published pubdate
Author: Carlos
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.4) 9 Votes

Plugin Description:

Makes GetSimple pages' date field fixed and editable, and adds new replacement lastUpdate field.

It makes GS functions (template tags) get_page_date() and return_page_date() work like a blog post's date (that remains unchanged when you re-edit it).

If you want to display or use the lastUpdate field, you can use the following helper functions/template tags:

  • get_page_lastupdate($dateformat)
  • return_page_lastupdate($dateformat)

(they work exactly like GetSimple's get_page_date() and return_page_date() would if this plugin was not installed)

A new editable Publication Date field is displayed (with an optional jQuery date/time picker) in Edit Page -- Options.

Optional gsconfig.php settings:


Disable the datepicker with:

define('PUBDATEPICKER', false);


Lets you customize the date[time] editing format. Default is 'Y-m-d H:i' (for e.g. 2015-12-31 23:59)

Some examples that work:

define('PUBDATEFORMAT','Y/m/d H.i'); // ==> 2015/12/31 23.59
define('PUBDATEFORMAT','Y-m-d');     // ==> 2015-12-31
define('PUBDATEFORMAT','Ymd');       // ==> 20151231


  • 0.1 Initial releae
  • 0.2 Functions get_page_lastupdate and return_page_lastupdate were not working as expected. Fixed.
  • 0.3 Date/time picker (for GS 3.1+); Field layout adapted for GS 3.0+; Translated to many languages (i18n files included)

Install Instructions:

Unzip and put all files (pubdatefix.php and pubdatefix folder with its contents) in your site's plugins folder. Activate it in Plugins Management.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide