Responsive FileManager

Downloads: 10104
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.3

Last Updated: October 30, 2019
Tags: file manager responsive upload image edit tools animated image gallery
Author: asemion
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(3.8) 21 Votes

Plugin Description:

This plugin is a great project called Responsive filemanager integration into GetSimple CMS.
RFM from ver. 2.4 has become a multifunctional development tools. Now you can create modern, attractive-looking, animated image galleries just with few mouse clicks directly in the CKEditor. No additional plugins is required.
RFM - can do:
1. It is fully adaptive (full responsive).
2. Can send files to the server (as well as create their thumbnails). Possible sending a single file or multiple files in batch mode. You can use Drag and drop or select files directly. Also possible sending over Java applet without file size limitation (on PC must be installed Java).
3. Can be integrated into the TinyMCE version 4.x (or older), CKEditor and CLEditor. Or work in stand-alone mode.
4. It can be opened in 3 different window types - FancyBox (LightBox), IFrame or Pop-up.
5. Have a free version of the Aviary graphic editor, which allows you to edit images directly on your site. Free version has one limitation it can save images up to 800 x 600 pixels max. Also, it will not work with localhost servers (like XAMPP and MAMP).
6. The ability to edit a lot of settings, which is located in the file config/config.php
7. i18n suport. Settings editing interface is provided with 3 ready to use language files: English, Lithuanian and Russian.
8. Plugin can integrate in CKEDITOR new button "Thumb" which insert choosed image thumbnail file in page body..
9. From version 2.3 you can easily build an image thumbnail galleries without any additional scripts. images from Thumbnail galleries can be opened selectively within FancyBox, PrettyPhoto or BaquetteBox window.
10. From version 2.4 you can easily build full featured, animated image galleries without using any JS or JQuery scripts. Only pure CSS3 realized with LightBoxCSS element.

Version changed to 2.0
Plugin changes:
1. admin/edit.php file modification became unnecessary.
2. Upload_dir parameter from config/config.php sets according to your site's URL automatically. No need manual edit if your site installed not in domain root.
3. When Thumbnail inserted its generated with link to full size image. And its can be opened with PrettyPhoto script.
4. Thumb button programme code generates dynamically like CKEditor plugin when button Integrate is clicked.
RFM core changes:
1. The kernel version has changed to 9.9.6.
2. Upgrade Aviary Image Editor with new Adobe Creative SDK without size limitation (may not work correctly on localhost servers).
3. Add files and folders counter on each folder.
4. Many improvements and security vulnerability fixes.

Version changed to 2.1
Plugin changes:
1. In CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window add 3 new control fields:
1.1. Thumbnail alignment;
1.2. Thumbnail target with 4 values: "_blank", "_self", "prettyPhoto", "Fancybox";
1.3. Thumbnail margins (around the text).
2. In plugin settings page add 2 new control fields:
2.1. Load PrettyPhoto JavaScript (control script loading on frontend pages);
2.2. Load FancyBox JavaScript (control script loading on frontend pages).
3. Thumbnail image now can be open in four modes: in new tab; in current page; with prettyPtoto script or with Fancybox 2 script.

Version 2.2
Plugin changes:
1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.10.2.
2. From the administration page has been removed following elements: "Load PrettyPhoto JavaScript" and "Load FancyBox JavaScript". Now they will be loaded automatically (when necessary).
3. To the administration page add new area "Thumbnails creation settings" where you can define a new thumbnail creation parameters. The descriptions and examples are available at this area.
4. In the CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window to the Thumbnail target element add a new parameter "BaguetteBox". BaguetteBox is a lightweight, independent (no JQuery required) Javascript which allows you to create image galleries. In order to create a new gallery you need: from Thumbnail target list choose "BaguetteBox", if the image is the first in the gallery additionally check the "Start a new gallery" checkbox.
5. Thumbnail insertion code was changed in a way that allows you to create galleries. Therefore, you can not use any additional plugins.

Version 2.3
Plugin changes:
1. In the CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window add a new settings select list "Thumbnail type". Using this list you can select which thumbnail file to be used. The selected thumbnail will be displayed in the preview screen.
2. Previously inserted thumbnails can be edited. In order to make thumbnail editing click right mouse button on it and select the menu item "Edit Thumbnail".

Version 2.4
Plugin changes:
1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.11.0. Changes: Add FTP support, Upload from URL, Add watermark on images, multiple fixes, Files and folders permissions restored to 755 (for a wider servers support)
2. To the administration page add 3 new settings fields:
- "File maximum upload size". Now you can set the file upload size to the server in this place.
- "Do not use Javascript on my site frontend pages". If this field is checked RFM will not use any JS code insertions on site frontend pages (for Themes support that do not use Javascript (eg "Skeleton-FX").
- "Add LightBoxCSS image gallery stylesheet on frontend pages". Check this box if you plan to use this type of galleries.
3. In the CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window add 3 new elements:
- To the Thumbnail target element add a new parameter "LightBox CSS". "LightBox CSS" is a lightweight, independent (no JQuery or JS required) pure CSS3 script which allows you to create full featured, animated image galleries.
- Add new element "Gallery type" which has 4 options. By using 3 predefined options: "Default", "Zoom" and "Polaroid" you can easily build an attractive-looking, animated image galleries. Option "Custom" can be used for your own gallery type creation.
- Add new element "Border radius" for setting thumbnails border radius inside galleries.

How can looks LightBoxCSS galleries you can see on my preview LIVE page here :

Version 2.5
Plugin changes:
1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.11.3.
2. RFM is now able to work with CKEditor user-defined Toolbars. CKEditor user-defined Toolbars can be generated by the three ways (listed by usage priority):
- When checked the field "Set CKEditor toolbar to advanced + Thumb button";
- When defined variable GSEDITORTOOL in the gsconfig.php file. Eg. define('GSEDITORTOOL', "['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline'],'/',['Styles','Format','Font']");
- When in the field "Custom CKEditor Toolbars elements" enter the appropriate parameters. If on your site plugin "Multi User" is activated then you can set the toolbars separately for administrators and ordinary users (in the "Multi User" administrator occurs when field "Manage users" is unchecked).
3. RFM is now able to work with CKEditor user-defined Options. You can use this option for extraPlugins activation. CKEditor user-defined Options can be generated in two ways (listed by usage priority):
- When defined variable GSEDITOROPTIONS in the gsconfig.php file. Eg. define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', ' extraPlugins:"youtube,codemirror"');
- When in the field "CKEditor extraPlugins activation" enter the appropriate parameters.
4. With RFM now you can insert just simple Thumbnail image. For this in the CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window to the Thumbnail target element add a new parameter "Simple Thumb" and to the element "Gallery type" add parameter "". In order to insert Simple Thumbnail image choose an image, select needed "Thumbnail type", choose parameter "Simple Thumb" and parameter "".
5. Fixed image upload to server issue.

Version 2.5a
Plugin changes:
1. Fixed security issue with RFM file dialog.php.

Version 2.6
Plugin changes:
1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.12.2.
2. To the administration page add new area "Responsive FileManager News Manager integration" where you can integrate RFM to the NM Edit pages or recall this integration.
3. To the administration page add new area of assistance for custom Responsive FileManager integration which provided the descriptions, source codes and examples of usage.

Version 2.7
Plugin changes:
1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.13.1.
2. To the administration page add new area "Responsive FileManager Custom Fields integration" where you can integrate RFM to the i18n Custom Fields or recall this integration. After integration you can use RFM with CF "Image" and "Files" types fields. (Note: This area will be show only if plugin "i18n Custom Fields" is installed on your site).
3. To the administration page add new setting field: "Hide RFM Settings Area from Plain Users". If this field checked for Users who do not have admin rights Settings area will be hidden (Note: This field will be show only if plugin "Multi User" is installed on your site).

Version 2.8
Plugin changes:
1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.14.0.

More detailed description in English, Lithuanian and Russian can be find on my site:.

Install Instructions:

Installation instructions: Download the archive and unzip it to the plugins folder. Activate the plugin. RFM options and settings page located in the File tab by pressing the Responsive FileManager button.

Upgrade from early versions to version 2.0:
1. Restore admin/edit.php to its original version.
2. Download the archive and unzip it to the plugins folder rewriting all existing files.

Upgrade from early versions to version 2.5:
1. Go to the plugin Settings page and press "Recall" button.
2. After that press "Integrate" button.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide