SA Development Suite

Downloads: 6322
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.1 - 3.3.0

Last Updated: February 27, 2014
Tags: developer debug console benchmark programming
Author: shawn_a
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.3) 7 Votes

Plugin Description:

Development plugin to assist developers

Version: 0.8
Compatibility: 3.1
Plugin Type: Fontend / Backend
Description: Custom Debugging suite to assist programmers.


Replacement Debug Console
Pretty output
Frontend Debug Console (when logged in only)
Debug console is active regardless of debugmode ( you can debug live sites wihtout     enabling debug mode )
Monospaced font for better alignment of logging
Ability to log variable number of arguments, arrays and objects
Ability to log backtraces
Outputs variables as traces with the var names included
Outputs file and line numbers for calls ( hover over headers and filenames for more info )
Ability to run benchmarks for all hooks
Ability to show all renderable hooks on page
Hook for adding your own debug buttons from your plugins

Compatible with standard debugLog() function , but will not prettify output


Call _debugLog(args); 
See Authors website for full docs


0.2 Fixed errors and button anchor

0.3 added hook dump, php dump, collapsable headers, php info footer

0.6 bug fixes, added print_r catcher, added custom log function capability

0.7 more fixes and themeing

0.8 always active on front end critical bug

Install Instructions:

Extract contents of zip file to your plugins folder

Archived Versions:

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