Simple Dir Listing

Downloads: 628
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: December 1, 2016
Tags: directory list file display download
Author: Timbow
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.2) 6 Votes

Plugin Description:

This is RobA's SimpleDir plugin with some features added by lokothodida. None of it is my work and I won't be able to offer any support. -Timbow

Provides a CSS style-able directory listing. The plugin includes a bunch of filetype icons.

Now with a configuration page to specify the directory path and URL, as well as any file-types to be ignored in the directory listing.

Install Instructions:

  • Unzip the file to your plugin directory.
  • Navigate to the Plugins Tab, and select the SimpleDir Settings menu items.
  • Complete the Full Server Path to Directory and the Base URL for Directory and save the settings to set the properties for all SimpleDir instances globally. Leave them empty to default to your data/upload/ path.
  • Optionally, add a comma separated list (no spaces) of the extensions to not display.

There is also a css file in the simpledir subdirectory that can be used as a template for styling the table.


Create a page and include (% simpledir %) on that page - this will be replaced with a table. Parameters given below.

(% simpledir %)

Outside of pages, use function get_simpledir_display - API details given below.

<?php get_simpledir_display(); ?>


Additional parameters for the (% simpledir %) shortcode (separated by |):

  • dirpath: path relative to global path given in the admin panel.
  • urlpath: path relative to the global URL path for the subdirectories.
  • ignore: comma separated list (no spaces) of extensions to ignore, e.g. php,htaccess. Leave empty to use value given in admin panel.
  • key: alphanumeric identifier (used in the URL query string) to distinguish this instance of SimpleDir, e.g. subdir2. Needed if you have multiple instances of SimpleDir on the same page.
  • columns: comma separated list (no spaces) of columns to include, e.g. name,date,size. Leave empty to default to name,date,size.
  • order: +/- for ascending/descending, followed by column to sort on, e.g. -date for latest file first. Leave empty for +name.
  • showfilter: set to true to show a search field for filtering files in the current directory
  • showinitial: number of files to show initially. Set to 0 to show all
  • sortable: set to true to allow user to sort files by column
  • LABEL_NAME: label for the Name column
  • LABEL_SIZE: label for the Size column
  • LABEL_DATE: label for the Date column


// Shows all files in /data/uploads/
(% simpledir key="subdir1" %)

// Shows all files in /data/uploads/images (% simpledir key="subdir2" | dirpath="images/" | urlpath="images/" %)

// Shows all non-png files in data/uploads/ (% simpledir key="subdir3" | ignore="png" %)


Display functions

  • getsimpledirdisplay($params = array()): prints out a table of the contents of $dirpath. $params is an array with the following keys:

    • dirpath: same as dirpath above.
    • urlpath: same as urlpath above.
    • ignore: array of extensions to ignore, e.g. array('php', 'htaccess')
    • key: same as key above.
    • columns: same as above, but an array.
    • order: same as above.
    • showfilter: same as above.
    • showinitial: same as above.
    • sortable: same as above.
    • LABEL_[NAME] : same as above.

Public functions

  • returnsimpledirdisplay($params = array()): returns a string of the table. Same arguments as getsimpledirdisplay
  • returnsimpledirresults($params = array()) : returns an array of the contents of a given directory

    • $params is an array with the following parameters:

      • dirpath: same as dirpath above.
      • urlpath: same as urlpath above.
      • ignore: same as ignore above.
      • order: same as above.
    • Returned is an array with the following keys:

      • subdirs : array of subdirectories; each an associative array with keys name, date
      • files: array of files, each an associative array with keys name, date, size, type
      • total: total size of the files in this directory

Credit and Special Thanks

  • Rob Antonishen for the original plugin
  • DesruX for suggestions and beta testing
  • DataTables for the jQuery plugin used give client-side functionality to the directory listing
  • lokothodida aka 'angryboy' for taking it this far