
Downloads: 147
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: July 12, 2022
Tags: theme-extras themes
Author: johnstray2001
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(3.5) 4 Votes

Plugin Description:

This awesome plugin will allow theme developers to enable the ability to give users configuration options for their theme, plus the ability to add custom fields for use in themes. For a theme to be supported by this plugin, it simply needs to have a ‘theme.xml’ file in the root directory of the theme that is used to define the possible configuration options or custom fields. Checkout the documentation for info on the syntax of this xml file. I18n for all configuration options and custom fields is fully supported also. My upcoming SimpleBlog plugin will be natively supported also, allowing themes to define custom fields for blog posts, etc. too.

Configuration options for themes will show up on the ‘Themes’ tab when a supported theme is active and custom field options will show up in the post editor under the metadata section when a supported theme is active. This plugin takes care of saving all the data so theme developers need not worry about it.

A new team of translators is needed for this plugin. If you speak any languages other than those that are already included, then please send me a PM so that I can add you to the project. A GitHub account is a must as the development process is maintained from there.

Install Instructions:

You can install this plugin to your GetSimple CMS installation by following these simple instructions.

  • Download the latest release ZIP file of the plugin from the GetSimple Extend repository
  • Unzip it into the "plugins" folder of your GetSimple installation.
  • Ensure your /Data and /Backups folder have write permissions.
  • Log in to your GetSimple administration panel.
  • Activate the plugin under the Plugins tab.
  • Once installed, if a theme provides configuration options, there will be a new theme configuration sidebar menu option in the Themes tab.*
  • If a theme provides custom fields support, the extra fields will automatically be added to your page editor in the metadata section*

NOTE: Applies only when a supported theme is active.