Charity Theme

Downloads: 2397
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: May 21, 2015
Tags: RWD Responsive Custom. Non Profit Clean
Author: Brentjlaf
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.7) 16 Votes

Theme Description:

Charity theme is a Non-profit theme which is very easy to customized and no need to add complex coding. In this we used simple html which is very easy to use and understandable. so that layman can also easily operate this theme.

Charity theme is 100% responsive! It uses Font Awesome for icons, Owl Carousel for sliders, it boasts 4 different page templates, full documentation, forum support, sample html, styled form template, sidr responsive menu and more...

Install Instructions:

Charity Theme

Download, unzip, upload, activate.

Create the following components for the home page.

footercontact footercontent homecolumnone homecolumntwo homecolumnthree socialmedia

Banners names (located in images folder) - contentbanner.jpg - contentbanner2.jpg - contentbanner3.jpg

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