Flat Mobile

Downloads: 968
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3.0 - 3.3.0

Last Updated: March 6, 2014
Tags: mobile theme flat simple mobi works working
Author Website: http://apocalypselabs.net

(3.5) 6 Votes

Theme Description:

This is a simple mobile theme I made from scratch because none of the other ones on here worked well for me. This theme has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari Mobile, and even a TracFone flip phone. It just works. The sidebar goes at the bottom of the page.

Install Instructions:

To install, just unzip the file into your themes folder. If you have a Linux server with shell access, use "cd theme", "wget http://get-simple.info/extend/export/9951/774/flat-mobile.zip", then "unzip flat-mobile.zip".