GS Editorial

Downloads: 2171
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: April 5, 2021
Tags: html5up responsive
Author: Timbow
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(5) 14 Votes

Theme Description:

Demo is at: Original Template: And all credit for the design to html5up

v1.1 Corrected php error which was causing errors on some servers. Thanks Max!
v1.2 Removed the tags for I18N Navigation - Needs more work to make sub menus function.

Install Instructions:

Standard theme, upload and activate. The default template has all the fancy stuff stripped out so it should work right away as a simple theme. There is also the template homepage.php which has everything from the original left in eg Search box, social icons, blog posts, contacts etc. You will have to take what you want.

Ready for custom titles - just install the plugin, no need to edit the template Single level, simple navigation only.

Archived Versions:

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