GS Evolve

Downloads: 6797
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2 - 3.3

Last Updated: May 30, 2017
Tags: responsive jssor animated multilevel menu slideshow layerslider google maps captcha
Author: asemion
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(3.5) 30 Votes

Theme Description:

GS Evolve is not only good-looking, professionally designed, but also fast. Theme used dynamic scripts loading, it handles only those resources that are needed for a particular page. All used scripts are free, provided under the GPL and MIT licenses.
Theme basic features:
1. Adaptive (full responsive) theme.
2. Animated multilevel drop-down menu (based on Superfish and JPanelMenu scripts for best rendering on PC or mobile devices).
3. i18n multi-language support.
4. 15 ready to use components with i18n support (information generated from pages content).
5. Awesome JSSOR slider "LayerSlider" with an impressive effects (information generated from pages content).
6. 3 kinds of slideshow and 2 kinds of galleries.
7. Built-in Alert boxes, Tooltips, Tabs & Accordion elements.
8. FAQ system preparation; over 600 icons; animated presentation elements and much more.
9. Expanded theme settings management in administration page.
10. 14 prepared color schemes for appearance modification.
Theme settings area supports i18n module and supplied with 3 language packs (English, Lithuanian and Russian).
All components of this theme is also compatible with i18n module, ie, they will render information exactly in the language that chosen by the user. Information generated from specialized pages content.
Theme has animated main Slide show on the home page, which is realized on JSSOR slider component (LayerSlider). Content generated from specialized pages.

More detailed description in English, Lithuanian and Russian and downloadable sources can be find on my site (see it LIVE):

Install Instructions:

Version updated to v. 0.2:

  1. From project removed font SS-GIZMO which did not meet freeware license requirement. Instead, to the project embed font TypIcons, which is distributed under the SIL Open Font License.
  2. Remake theme structure so as to be used only Awesome and Typicons fonts sources.

Upgrading from previous version to v.0.2:

  1. First remove the entire theme directory and then copy the "Evolve" folder from this archive.
  2. Go to the theme settings page, and re-import the component "Featered boxes".

Version updated to v. 0.3:

  1. Fixed issue on the single language sites if default language is not "en_US". You can define the desired language on the Theme settings page.
  2. Improved all carousels components code (Camera gallery, Customers, Partners, Portfolio). Now you can insert on the same page as many of the same kinds carousels elements as needed. Camera gallery can show slide title which is taken from the image ALT field. Required this components re-import.
  3. In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Google Maps APIs key". Because Google changed Maps API authentication and usage limits. From now for usage with localhosts and new domains an API key is required.

Version updated to v. 0.4:

  1. Fixed issue and imroved Mobile menu (jPanelMenu). Now it use jPanelMenu script ver. 1.4.1. Adjust all the resources that use this script. You can use two types of the Mobile menu appearance themes: light (sets by default) and dark. If you want to switch to dark theme check "Use a dark theme for mobile menu" field on the theme settings page. You can make more detailed jPanelMenu settings in the file: /Evolve/scripts/custom.js (see section: "03 Mobile Navigation").
  2. In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Use minimized CSS file versions". If it checked theme uses only minimized CSS files. Also minify all Javascript files for improve bandwidth.
  3. Improved Footer elements appearance. For this in the Theme settings page insert 3 management fields: "Show all contact information in the Footer bar" (if checked all contact info lines will be shown); "Show contact information labels in the Footer bar" (if checked next to the icon will be shown it's label); "Footer icons size with size units value" (now you can set Footer icons size).
  4. Improved Contact form e-mail address determination. Now you can set the email addresses in two ways. If on the Contact Page in the field "Meta Description" entered valid e-mail address then will use it. If mentioned field is empty or do not have valid e-mail address then will be used site admin address. This improvement allows you to use different e-mail addreses for different Contact Pages (in different language).
  5. In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Site Logo". Now you can change default Logo image to your own. If on your site installed plugin Responsive FileManager next to the input field will appear "Browse" button with which you can select an image on the server.

Version updated to v. 0.5:
1. Improved internal Search engine:
1.1 Add Auto-suggestion mechanism - it's begin to work when input 3 or more characters.Output displayed in the special DIV like Page Title with link to this page.
1.2 Improved Search page provided information: On top displayed searched keywords; Removed short-codes and illegal characters; Improved text Excerpt mechanism.
1.3 To the upper right Search field add submit button and Clear button for mobile users convenience.
2. In the Theme settings page insert a new management area "Search settings" which has 5 fields:
2.1 "Always use internal Search function" - if checked will be used Internal Search function, even if on site is installed "i18n_search" plugin.
2.2 "Turn on Auto-suggestion Search" (turn on / off Auto-suggestion).
2.3 "Search the keywords in the 'Meta' fields" (if checked search try to find also in the "Tags & Keywords" and "Meta Description" fields).
2.4 "Open the found page in a new tab" (if checked found link will be opened in the new Tab).
2.5 "Search Page excerpt size (in symbols)" - you can change Excerpt value, if empty used default value 200 characters.
3. To the style-sheet add 'subscript' and 'superscript' definitions. You can use structures: and . Or klasses: "subscript" and "superscript".


Installation instructions:
Download and unzip the archive folder „Evolve“ to sites theme folder. Activate theme. Additionally, in order to achieve the theme settings page unzip the archive plugins directory content to the site folder plugins. Activate plugins. You can edit the settings on tab Theme with button Configure Theme.

If you want to use Evolve Demo structure on your site (for educational purposes) unzip the archive folder "Evolve Demo" content to:
1. Folder "data/pages" content to your site "data/pages" folder;
2. Folder "data/uploads" content to your site "data/uploads" folder;
3. Folder "data/thumbs" content to your site "data/thumbs" folder.
4. Folder "plugins" content to your site "plugins" folder.
Then login to site administrative page and enable plugin "DynPages".
Demo structure overwrite GetSimple default index.xml data file with Demo data. If you want to leave default data file then rename it first.
If you want to learn about main slideshow basic structure and operating principle - use data files "Slider-1", "Slider-2" like templates for your own Sliders creation.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide