
Downloads: 3844
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: May 17, 2015
Tags: simple clean responsive fullscreen wide
Author: Brentjlaf
Author Website: http://www.tnerb.com
Support: Support Forum

(3.9) 16 Votes

Theme Description:

Simple fullscreen responsive, theme


Install Instructions:

  1. Unzip handcrafted.zip to your themes folder and upload.

  2. Create the following components.

  • homeleft
  • homeright
  • intro
  • slide1caption
  • slide2caption
  • slide3caption
  • socialmedia

Paste the following into the socialmedia component, and update links to your social media.

   <li><a href="https://facebook.com" target="_blank" class="facebook"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="https://twitter.com" target="_blank" class="twitter"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="https://plus.google.com" target="_blank" class="googleplus"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/" target="_blank" class="linkedin"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="http://www.pinterest.com/" target="_blank" class="pinterest"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="http://www.instagram.com/" target="_blank" class="instagram"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/" target="_blank" class="youtube"></a></li><br />
   <li><a href="mailto:info@tnerb.net" class="email"></a></li><br />
  1. Upload 3 banners named the following for the home slider

- homebanner1.jpg - homebanner2.jpg - homebanner3.jpg

captions for the Slider are styled for the following

 <h2>Handcrafted Theme Slide 1</h2>
 <p>Sed elementum sapien at tellus hendrerit in congue justo eleifend.</p>
 <p><a href=“/“>Learn More</a></p>
  1. Upload 1 banner named the following for the content pages

- contentbanner.jpg

View demo http://handcrafted.tnerb.com/

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide