Pure Side-Menu

Downloads: 3920
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2.3 - 3.2.3

Last Updated: December 7, 2013
Tags: responsive pure hamburger
Author: Timbow
Author Website: http://www.cyberpress.biz
Support: Support Forum

(4.9) 9 Votes

Theme Description:

This is another standard sample layout for 'pure css'. A clean elegant and modern theme. The Original (non GS) Pure Side-Menu page is here: http://purecss.io/layouts/side-menu/

Fully responsive. A fixed Left hand side menu with an extended section for external links collapses to a hamburger for mobiles. Pages have titles and optional sub-titles/taglines. There is one page template. The Sidebar component is not used.

Install Instructions:

The theme will work 'as is' and 'out of the box' but there are a number of items I have coded for easy customisation without editing the template:

The theme is ready for Custom Titles. Just upload the plugin and activate it. No need to edit the template

The Site Name is displayed at the top of the menu. If you want to change what is displayed there or just need to put line breaks in you can make a component and call it 'menu-heading'. Write what you want in the component and the template will display the contents in place of the Site Name, no need to edit the template.

There is a normal menu and an extended menu suitable for external links. Make a component and call it 'extended-menu' and write in it one or more anchor elements. Example: Google Cyberpress Save the component as an empty component if you don't want to use this feature, no need to edit the template.

Below the Page Title each page has a sub-title or tagline. The standard component 'tagline' is used by default on all pages. Delete the Component 'tagline' if you don't want to use this feature. To give a page its own sub-title make a component and name it 'tagline-slug' where 'slug' is the page-slug of the page. To have individual pages without sub-titles you can also save empty components named 'tagline-slug. No need to edit the template

Archived Versions:

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