Red Agency

Downloads: 13712
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2 - 3.3

Last Updated: May 31, 2017
Tags: responsive bootstrap animated multilevel menu slideshow layerslider google maps captcha
Author: asemion
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(3.9) 32 Votes

Theme Description:

This is full responsive theme that uses Bootstrap v. 3.3.5 capabilities. Theme basic features:
1. Adaptive (full responsive) theme.
2. Animated multilevel drop-down menu.
3. i18n multi-language support.
4. 5 ready to use components with i18n support (information generated from pages content).
5. Animated "pseudo LayerSlider" slide show (information generated from pages content).
6. Expanded theme settings management in administration page.
7. 4 prepared color schemes for appearance modification.
Theme settings area supports i18n module and supplied with 3 language packs (English, Lithuanian and Russian).
All components of this theme is also compatible with i18n module, ie, they will render information exactly in the language that chosen by the user. Information generated from specialized pages content.
Theme has animated Slide show on the home page, which is realized on Carousel component (pseudo LayerSlider). Also you can add slider where you want (using in example DynPages plugin). Slider data generated from specialized pages content.

More detailed description in English, Lithuanian and Russian can be find on my site (see it LIVE):

Since version 0.2.6 in the Theme installation directory "Demo" data files are not included. But you will always be able to download them from my site (See link above).

Install Instructions:

Installation instructions:
Download and unzip the archive folder „Red Agency“ to sites theme folder. Activate theme. Additionally, in order to achieve the theme settings page unzip the archive plugins directory content to the site folder plugins. Activate plugins. You can edit the settings on tab Theme with button Configure Theme.

If you want to use Carousel LayerSlider Demo on your site (for educational purposes) unzip the archive folder „Carousel LayerSlider Demo“ content to:
1. Folder "data/pages" content to your site "data/pages" folder;
2. Folder "uploads" content to your site "uploads" folder.
Now go to the theme settings page and enable all requared components and Javascripts.
SlideShow works automaticaly like on my site if your Home page used "Default Template" for Page template (tempate.php file). You can use pages "Slider-1", "Slider-2", "Slider-3", "Slider-4", "Slider-5" for learning like exercise templates for your own Sliders creation.

Version 0.2.1

Fixed bug with collapsed frames.

Version 0.2.2
1. In theme administration page added a new editing area - Social networking settings.
2. Installed site content search engine compatible with i18n plugin. Search results will be displayed on a separate page.

Version 0.2.3
1. Installed e-message sending form that utilizes a theme template contact.php file. Form can be used to send standard e-mail messages.
2. In theme administration page added a new editing area where you can enable or disable search form and contact form usage. The required data files will be generated and modified automatically.

Version 0.2.4
1. Improved all components program code (In order to update the code of used components go to theme settings page, first turn it off and save the settings, and then turn it on again).
2. Add new management fields:.
Site's default language - useful when your site has one language and this language is not "en_US" (Anyway you must have this language themes translation file);
Site slogan - you can get this value by inserting in template file (eg. this code: <?php get_theme_setting('site_slogan'); ?>
Add "Sticky Navbar" option - you can enable/disable it in "Bootstrap additional features" area
Add selected color scheme snapshot in preview area
Add new settings area - "Google Maps settings"
3. The contact form now can display your location using Google Maps in special DIV element. Contact Form can use 2 templates: contact.php (without Google Maps) and contact_with_gmap.php.

Version 0.2.5
1. Theme moved to jQuery version 1.11.3.
2. LayerSlider now can work with links. Links used on slides may be 2 types:
2.1. Common slide link - one overall link applicable to the whole slide (applied on slide background image or background color);
2.2. Several slide links - applies to subsidiaries items and have own reference link (it can be created as much as you need and applied on objects like: Text or Image).
3. In Contact form add AntiSpam check (CAPTCHA function).
4. Update Demo slides data files - it now is full responsive (all elements using Viewport measurement units) and has links to other articles.

Version 0.2.6
1. Main menu items, which has subsidiaries elements can now be clickable.
2.Site Breadcrumbs now fully adjustable. For this used its own functions that shape the breadcrumbs as on single language sites so containing i18n structure. Functions correctly works with the first menu item child elements without duplication. You can use any symbol between the elements, as well as icons classes from specialized fonts (eg. Font Awesome). Breadcrumbs elements inserted between the span element with 3 kinds of classes: "breadcrumb-home", "breadcrumb-menu", "breadcrumb-current". So, you can decorated them using CSS as you want.
3. All used in the theme resources (fonts, scripts, images, etc.) place locally. So, the theme will works in local networks without Internet access.
4. In the Theme setting page insert a new management field "Load Jquery in Header". Useful in order to prevent conflicts with plugins that are loaded their scripts in the Header areas.

Version 0.2.7
1. Improved responsive code for mobile devices.
2.Improved the main menu generation code for mobile devices.

Version 0.2.8
1. Improved responsive code for mobile devices.
2. Improved gallery component code (required component re-import).
3. Add sites logo image. It can be managed on the administration page.
2. Add thumbnail images prefix management. You can set it on the administration page.

Version 0.2.9
1. Improved Carousel component code (required component re-import):
Into component calling code add 2 new parameters which allow to hide navigation elements (indicators and control arrows). So structure can be like that:
<?php get_component_with_params('ra-carousel', array(array(slug,slug,...), string show_indicators='true', string show_controls='true')); ?>
<?php get_component_with_params('ra-carousel', array(array('slide-1', 'slide-2'),'false','true')); ?> // hide indicators but shows controls

<?php get_component_with_params('ra-carousel', array(array('slide-1', 'slide-2'),'false','false')); ?> // hide both indicators and controls

<?php get_component_with_params('ra-carousel', array(array('slide-1', 'slide-2'))); ?> // shows both indicators and controls

Version 0.3.0
1. Fixed "blank page" error if plugin Theme_Settings is not activated.
2. In the Theme setting page insert a new management field "Google Maps APIs key". Because Google changed Maps API authentication and usage limits. From now for usage with localhosts and new domains an API key is required..

Version 0.3.1
1. Improved internal Search engine:
1.1 Add Auto-suggestion mechanism - it's begin to work when input 3 or more characters.Output displayed in the special DIV like Page Title with link to this page.
1.2 Improved Search page provided information: On top displayed searched keywords; Removed short-codes and illegal characters; Improved text Excerpt mechanism.
1.3 To the upper right Search field add submit button and Clear button for mobile users convenience.
2. In the Theme settings page insert a new management area "Search settings" which has 6 fields:
2.1 "Always use internal Search function" - if checked will be used Internal Search function, even if on site is installed "i18n_search" plugin.
2.2 "Turn on Auto-suggestion Search" (turn on / off Auto-suggestion).
2.3 "Search the keywords in the 'Meta' fields" (if checked search try to find also in the "Tags & Keywords" and "Meta Description" fields).
2.4 "Open the found page in a new tab" (if checked found link will be opened in the new Tab).
2.5 "Search keywords condition (logical AND)" - if checked search try to find whole row of keywords, if unchecked search try to find each keyword separately.
2.6 "Search Page excerpt size (in symbols)" - you can change Excerpt value, if empty used default value 200 characters.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide