Wordsworth Theme

Downloads: 1890
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: April 5, 2021
Tags: responsive white blog
Author: Timbow
Author Website: http://www.cyberpress.biz
Support: Support Forum

(5) 9 Votes

Theme Description:

Demo at http://timbowgs.bplaced.net/wordsworth/

Plain white theme suitable for any site. Skeleton based, responsive and elegant, good typography.

Used with News Manager and News Manager Addons there is styling for a homepage of latest posts for a news/magazine type site

v1.1 Extra page layouts so sidebar is displayed left, right or below main content or not at all. Also properly set up for easy custom sidebars

Install Instructions:

Normal theme. download, unzip, upload, activate.

If you want to use the NewsManager styling install NM and NM Addons. In The News Manager Settings Panel set Number of recent posts (in sidebar) to 6, choose Yes in Enable post images, set the image size to 525w x 350h and tick the box to Crop post images to fit. Make sure you update your htaccess when you are prompted.

Alternatively download the demo site data from the demo site.

If you want sidebar content for one page only just make a component and name it sidebar-slug. Check the wiki if you don't know what the slug is.

Archived Versions:

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