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Release and Development Schedule
Ok so I have been real busy banging out the last 2 versions, and feverishly focusing on long time stability fixes in core, and prepping for a larger minor update.

Because of this agile development , no clear structure in SVN yet and the conversion of google over to github and slowly setting up a development flow that suits one person or more, which anyone who programs knows is a contradictory work flow.

The recent exposure of major security issues forced me to release features into patch versions that probably should have been held back, but the workflow was not ready and things got put together. All in all only a few actual new features have been added but its enough to cause issues with plugin and dependency cycles. That was a decision I made, but I would like to get back on a better release schedule.

I have already restructured SVN branches to support real hotfix patch release versions and development branches for future versions.

So contradictory to the current beta versioning and future versioning, I will be retracting the current beta.

The current beta will be released as 3.3

The 3.3 dev will be pushed forward to 3.4 or even 4 if it will wind up breaking many plugins.

All other minor releases will be bug fixes only and released on schedule as patch versions.

Releases will be as such going forward


Sorry for any confusion
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
It's so easy for us users to sit back and watch (... and bitch and moan ... ;-) ), without understanding what's going on in developerland.

So, for what its worth, thank you for the work you do to make GetSimple such an excellent platform.
Yes, thanks Shawn. I would buy you a pint if you ever showed up round here
Just thought i would give a development update.

So alot of development time was spent since 3.3.3 til 3.3.7 dealing with stability issues, and hotfixing security issues for a slew of reported vulnerabilities and support questions. And a recent influx of new community members.

3.4 is still on schedule, but it has just been sidetracked a bit, its about 6 months late now, I had hoped to get it out the door at least for alpha testing already.

There are only a few features being completed, and they have had some setbacks which are mostly my fault, re-engineering stuff and reimplementing things which were already coded but not to my satisfaction.

I have also been extremely busy with RL, work, and being more active ( lost 20 lbs. yay ).

I also have switched to apple, so I am still getting back up to speed with my development setup, taking some getting used to, damn shortcuts makes me wish I had been using VIM or emacs bindings all along.

I will make announcements soon regarding the progress and testing thus far. I also try fairly hard to keep master branch in working condition and stable enough for actual use, if your brave.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-09-22, 03:39:48)shawn_a Wrote: ...I also have switched to apple, so I am still getting back up to speed with my development setup, taking some getting used to, damn shortcuts makes me wish I had been using VIM or emacs bindings all along...
You might like TextWrangler (free Software site or AppStore dnLoad) or the more elaborate, BBEdit (not free).
Keep up the good work.
I use sublime text.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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