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editing pages problem
I have a problem with editing pages. They are defaultly located in data/ folder under 755 privileges. But I can edit them only if i set privileges to 777 which seems to me a bit much. WHat should I do?

When I am in debugging mode with privileges 755, php throws an error:
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML(../www_root/data/pages/mapa-stranky.xml) [function.SimpleXMLElement-asXML]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/www/ on line 171

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../www_root/admin/changedata.php:171) in /home/www/ on line 174

data fles privileges are set to 644

thank you all for your help
644 should work, unless GetSimple is not the file owner.

GetSimple will only be the file owner if it has created the file to begin with. If you copied your data files from somewhere else (say, a localhost testing environment) then the GetSimple installed on your server is not the owner of the file. The only way to let a non-owner write to the file is to set the last number to a higher permission.

I don’t know of a quick fix for this, but someone else might.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
yes, files were moved to server, so there is the beginning of all problems.
Is there any chance to set the ownership of these files to GS on the server?
zap Wrote:Is there any chance to set the ownership of these files to GS on the server?
Next to CHMOD there exists CHOWN (change owner). I’m not a Linux developer though and I’m afraid I can’t give you any points as to how it is used.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
if you check the newest gsconfig.php file, there is a CHMOD option to change the default to 777. Not sure if this will fix your issue or not...

# Set override CHMOD mode
#define('GSCHMOD', 0777);
- Chris
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Hi, I have a problem editing a page. I can edit homepage but not the page i created. I get the message

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