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Missing line endings driving me nuts.
Most recently I am trying to use YoJoe's Bluebusiness theme for a little job. A new install of GS in a new local folder with Wampserver and i am looking at the CSS and the whole freaking thing is on Line 7, thousands of characters long!

I tried downloading the theme again and just opened it on the desktop and I see what's in the screenshot. No line endings (except for the first and last 5). So it's nothing to do with GS

I tried downloading another theme and it displays fine, line endings all there.

I tried downloading BlueBusiness again this time to my laptop and I get the same thing, no line endings.

I went to another machine with Windows 8 on it (not XP as before). Downloaded notepad++ and installed it without altering any settings. Downoaded the bluebusiness theme. Unzipped it with a different zip program.
AArgh! No line endings! (except for the first and last 5).

Can someone suggest a solution before I go crazy? Or are there really no line endings in YoJoe's CSS?

tim W
Failed to attach
Actually when I look at YoJoe's demo page for BlueBusiness guess what?

The whole css is on line 7!

So I am not going mad or experiencing impossible and illogical technical malfunctions, and neither am I the only person in the world to have trouble with line endings. Maybe he will know what the trouble is.
Its compressed, thats what .min means.
He probably included uncompressed as well, just look in the folder.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
shawn_a Wrote:Its compressed, thats what .min means.
He probably included uncompressed as well, just look in the folder.

Blimey. This is all new to me. So you compress a file by removing the line endings. How do I uncompress it? I don't have a file without the .min in the name?

Is this minifying done automatically anywhere? By GS or by my hosting company? Is that what is causing me grief with other files with messed up or missing line spacing?
It's right there in my post. Second link, just edit the theme and remove the .min of editing.
Usually a compression script is used for production code makes it dl faster
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
The missing line endings really irritates me some time, if you have find any good solution for this so let me know. I didn't find anything good yet.
Themes should include both a minimized and normal version. IF its not actually compressed you can maximize it with a script. Just google it, or use a plugin for your text editor to retidy css or js.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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