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I sure hope you guys aren't sick of me yet...
I am trying to learn as much as I can about this system.

Following a procedure in another thread I was looking at my gsconfig.php and I see that almost the whole thing is commented out

# WYSIWYG editor height (default 500)
#define('GSEDITORHEIGHT', '400');

# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config])
#define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced');

# WYSIWYG editor language (default en)
#define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en');

# WYSIWYG Editor Options
#define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', '');

# Set email from address
#define('GSFROMEMAIL', '');

were these settings moved to another place or are they unnecessary?

They were not moved to another place; I think they'd be better described as "optional" over "unnecessary", though.
They are configs, your configs
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Morning Shawn,

I'm wondering what a properly configured gsconfig.php looks like and if the drag and drop that I was seeing in the demo version is possible not working on my test install because I have improperly set up gsconfig

a good gsconfig.php is normally the default version you already have. Most of them should only be used occasionally if you have a particular problem, although I think there is a good case for bringing a number of them into the back end as tick boxes or options.

The only ones I often use are:
PHP Code:
# Default thumbnail width of uploaded image

PHP Code:
# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config]) 
There is no drag and drop in gs, that is your browser doing whatever you see happening.
There is no propely configured config, its for you to set your own overrides.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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