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One more new user - I hope soon you will exceed the 1000s
Hello to all and a big thank you and congratulations for the excellent product you are providing to the World. I m managed within a day to set up my new site at: and if I tell you that I am 73 years old you may not believe me. Remember that as you all get older: Computers and especially websites will help your brain.

My content at the moment is very limited, as I am trying to find the scope that these pages will serve.

I have a few other Websites which you can view starting from which is my oldest site, originally hosted under no link here and it was always basic HTML ads done one by one. I am planning to delete or shrink this old site, after extracting some of my good ads, such as the one shown in the new site based at: (it looks much nicer than the original at:

So I wish to all of you, all the best and may one day we will see tens of thousands of getSimple websites in order to make our lives really simpler.

@costas100 - thanks for the kind words and Great work!
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

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