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Email and Retrieve Password Not Working on any Version - including 3.3.4 Beta 2
I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that there appears to be significant problems with Log In/Install/Retrieve Password.
I have installed 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and the latest Bleeding Edge 3.2.4 Beta 2

I run on Pair Networks
Php Version 5.3.26
Apache 2.2.25
All recommended Serverside Modules are installed.

The Welcome Email does not arrive, even if I define the Sent From email in gsconfig.temp.php before install.

If I log out before changing my password after an initial install, I cannot log in with the auto-generated password.

If I use the Forgot Password form, although the message says details have been sent, actually they never arrive.

Forgive me if I am alerting you to something you know already. It's just that when I saw the issue still present in 4.2.4 Beta 2, it gave me cause for concern.
I'm afraid it's something not working on your hosting, not a general problem with GetSimple. I have just tried a password reset on v3.2.3 and it works fine (and has done so for all previous versions since v2.something or so). My sites are not hosted on Pair Networks.

Is there anything significant in your host logs?

According to this Pair support topic, there seems to be quite aggressive email form exploit protection in place, which may be the root of your symptoms. You may want to raise a ticket with Pair support.
OK. I will investigate with Pair.
But this is a listed bug and milestone for 3.2.4, and previously noted in the Forum.
It's only a know issue when gs config is not set I a valid outgoing email. That's a feature not a bug fix.
Some servers do not allow sending email. You could alway test a contact form script and see if it also does not work
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Please accept my apologies.
It was my email service provider blocking the mails.
I am sorry to have wasted your time.

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