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[Resolved] CKEditor Templates
Hello !
One more question about customise CKEditor
In my toolbar, I have insert the Template butom with 'Templates'. No problem. The butom is displayed.
And now I would like to customize the templates.
I open the files : /admin/template/js/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js
I create a new template :
    title:'My template',
    description:'My template',
    html:'<div style="width: 80%"><h3>Title goes here</h3><img style="margin-right: 10px" height="100" width="100" align="left" /><p>Your text here</p></div>'
When I create a new page, my template is not displayed !
I still have the three default templates.
Where is my mistake ?
Thank's for your help !
Français et éternel débutant
French and eternal beginner
I guess you left out one of the necessary steps:

at you can see what has to be done (even if you do not understand german, I am sure you can identify the code)

  1. custom configuration file of CKEditor in gsconfig.php

  2. activate the template plugin:
    config.extraPlugins = 'fileicon,video,syntaxhighlight','templates',
  3. activate the template button
  4. define the template of your dreams in default.js in /admin/template/js/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thank' Connie !
It's good now !
Ich werde jetzt öfter besuchen Sie die deutsche Website GetSimple! (thank's Google Trad !)
Français et éternel débutant
French and eternal beginner
Krysttof, I am glad I could help!

Je me réjouis que cela fonctionne pour toi!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

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