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google maps plugin
Google map plugin

Add and manage Google Maps on pages created with GetSimple.

UPDATED. New version v2.0(01/apr/2012)

  • Multiple
  • Multiple markers on each
  • Icons / Markers
  • Different types of map.
  • Selection of controls of the map.

How to create a map
  • Go to the GetSimple management area. Then click on the Plugins tab.
  • In Plugins from the side menu, go to Google Maps plugin.
  • Fill in the basic fields: Name of the map, Width, Height, Zoom and Address. (The rest are optional).
  • Go to the tab "Pages" and the page where you want to show the map type, without spaces, the following tag: (% googlemap:name_of_your_map%) and replace "name_of_your_map" with the name of your map. (!)
  • That's all. The label will be replaced by the map when viewing your website.
  • In ADVANCED SETTINGS you can change how display the map and other options.

Extra settings

If you want the options to create maps, are displayed in the 'Pages' or 'Plugins' (default), you should put this in the general configuration file get-simple (gsconfig.php) (1 = on , 0 = off):
# Google Maps Plugin admin tab show in:
           define ('GMAPSHOWINPAGES', 1);
If you put a map on a component, you add this to the general configuration file get-simple (gsconfig.php) (1 = on, 0 = off):
# Activate maps in components
          define ('GMAPINCOMPONENT', 1);
And in the component must be labeled gmap + the name of your map:
<div id="gmap_name-of-your-map"></div>

Language files included: English, Spanish, German.

Latest version: 2.0 (01/apr/2012)

More info in demo page.

Tested in version GS 3.0 and 3.1 Does not work with earlier versions.
I am sorry, but I dont know how to make this plugin work. Do I need any additional plugin?
cool plugin
is it possible to somehow make an opportunity to show "satellite"?
smooo3 Wrote:I am sorry, but I dont know how to make this plugin work. Do I need any additional plugin?

you only need put this tag (% googlemap %) on the page. (in admin with ckeditor)
Not need any extra plugin..
If you do this do not work?
is it possible to somehow make an opportunity to show "satellite"?
Oleg06 Wrote:is it possible to somehow make an opportunity to show "satellite"?
mmm..I think do not understand you..
Satelite view is enabled. On the map are two buttons "satellite" and "map".
What does this plugin better then just copying the code from google maps (iframe) and then in the editor click on source button, then paste and safe?

snmgulae, benvinguts!

I will test it

I think one of the advantages is that it does not bring the hassle to enter the embed-code in the editor which is a problem for many users

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Is it possible to make the "satellite" was loaded directly?
datiswous Wrote:What does this plugin better then just copying the code from google maps (iframe) and then in the editor click on source button, then paste and safe?
Connie Wrote:snmgulae, benvinguts!

I will test it

I think one of the advantages is that it does not bring the hassle to enter the embed-code in the editor which is a problem for many users

Connie exact. You can also include image and extra text ..
(Thanks for the welcome.)
Oleg06 Wrote:Is it possible to make the "satellite" was loaded directly?

I Will study how to do this
Oleg06 Wrote:Is it possible to make the "satellite" was loaded directly?

Oleg06, now its posible.
donwload lastest version.
I have the latest version of get simple and I downloaded your plugin today and there isn't a submit button at the bottom to up date changes.

If I do a view source on the page it looks like the code gets cut off half way through the submit button.
        <p><label for="gmap_infotxt">Balloon tip with extra information. For example name, address, phone ...</label><textarea id="gmap_infotxt" name="gmap_infotxt" style="height:100px;width:510px;"><b>Hello word</b></textarea>

        <br/><span style="font-size:0.8em">[The fields marked with * are required]</span></p>
     <p><input type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="
KyleMI Wrote:
<p><input type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="

mmm.. this value is given by the function i18n (related to language) ..
You only have problems with this plugin?
What version of GS use?
The plugin works fine with version 3. I have not tested with earlier versions.
Quote:mmm.. this value is given by the function i18n (related to language) ..
You only have problems with this plugin?
What version of GS use?
The plugin works fine with version 3. I have not tested with earlier versions.

It does work correctly with version 3.

I could not get it to work with the latest stable version 2.03.1

I missed the part Tested With: GetSimple 3.0 on the plugin download page.
KyleMI Wrote:I missed the part Tested With: GetSimple 3.0 on the plugin download page.

ah.ok. I'm sorry.
update the info of the plugin to report that only works with version 3
I just installed the new version and I am glad to see the language- and translation-integration!

Great! I like it!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
As I checked the sourcecode of my pages , I noticed 2 things:

googlemap (no, Validator! ) throws 4 errors of inedaquate coding because the output of the script is not included in comment tags

<!-- Google map Plugin : start -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


2) Javascripts can be included anywhere in a page, in the header or in the body-section
I suggest to include the scripts in the body-section, in the direct output of the (% googlemap %)


As you can only use one map with that plugin I am sure you will not have this map on every page
but as the script writes into the
<?php get_header(); ?>
the scripts are loaded in every page...

that is a performance killer and not necessary

can you change that?

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:that is a performance killer and not necessary

you're right.. (again!)
I did not want dirty the body with javascript code in the middle ..
anyway.. I check if the map layer exists before loading, but did not control the load google maps API ..
Well .. all this is solved ..(errors too) Now everything is loaded with content. Only on the map page.
Thanks for your interest!
it's getting better and better!

I think this is a rule for all plugins which are not used on every page: do keep your stuff together and don't place it in the header ;=)

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:it's getting better and better!
I think this is a rule for all plugins which are not used on every page: do keep your stuff together and don't place it in the header ;=)

Yes connie, but I was not completely satisfied...
don't like put javascript in body page, the correct place is on header..
I don't found any rule says the opposite.
then I modified (again) the plugin, because I found how include javascript in header only in a map page.

I hope you agree..
For sure I will agree if your modification takes care that the scripts are not loaded when the map is not included in the content

for me it's no problem where the code is, just to be sure that it is not loaded unnessarily
I will check tomorrow

Bona nit!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thank you, super-plugin
Connie Wrote:For sure I will agree if your modification takes care that the scripts are not loaded when the map is not included in the content

for me it's no problem where the code is, just to be sure that it is not loaded unnessarily
I will check tomorrow

Bona nit!

yes sure. I check that the scripts are not loaded when the map is not included in the content.

Gute Nacht!
Oleg06 Wrote:Thank you, super-plugin
but.. you forgot take out the default image marker..

You can try with this..

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