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Does GetSimple have front-end/inline editor?
As topic? I'm trying to find a light weight CMS with this feature.
panupat Wrote:As topic? I'm trying to find a light weight CMS with this feature.

Something like this is easy to integrate.
FInd the one you want to use
install it at your webserver
add it to a component
include that component in the template

if it works, tell us how you did it

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I'm not sure what Connie is hinting at in her post, but frontend editing as such is, as far as I know, not available in GS.
polyfragmented Wrote:I'm not sure what Connie is hinting at in her post, but frontend editing as such is, as far as I know, not available in GS.

I have no idea what type of editor OP asks for.
There's no wysiwyg template editor for 99% of all CMSes.
But users may edit templates within admin panel.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I think the original poster was asking for an editor that you can edit content from the home page like in GPEasy


yojoe Wrote:
polyfragmented Wrote:I'm not sure what Connie is hinting at in her post, but frontend editing as such is, as far as I know, not available in GS.

I have no idea what type of editor OP asks for.
There's no wysiwyg template editor for 99% of all CMSes.
But users may edit templates within admin panel.
yojoe Wrote:I have no idea what type of editor OP asks for.
He's asking for something like edit links hovering above content which open an editor right in front/above the website.

Edit: sorry, Bob, overlooked your post.
Wel, if things are looking like you describer, there's a plugin to edit page's content while browsing it Smile
Never tested it, thus I can't say it will be working with gs 3.0 - as it's a freshie - so it's up to suicide-testers Wink
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
polyfragmented Wrote:I'm not sure what Connie is hinting at in her post, but frontend editing as such is, as far as I know, not available in GS.

I was hinting to including a richtexteditor (maybe smaller than CKeditor or TinyMCe or the very basic CKEditor) into the templates which allow to edit text on screen while browsing. But my suggestion was not very helpful as it does not handle with saving the edited content ...

Some CMS have front-end-editing for logged-in-users, but that feature is not available with GS from the box

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
yojoe Wrote:there's a plugin to edit page's content while browsing it Smile
Never tested it, thus I can't say it will be working with gs 3.0 - as it's a freshie - so it's up to suicide-testers Wink

There are a couple "Edit this" plugins: (by dominionit; I haven't tested it) (mine; tested with GS 2.01 to 3.0)

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