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Get content published in other page
Hi, and thanks for this great CMS.

I'm trying to find a solution to build a kind of "Events page" where I could post new events as they happen.
For exemple :
Quote:Events :

05/05/2009 Event 3
During this event ...

03/03/2009 Event 2
During this event ...

01/01/2009 Event 1
During this event ...

I don't want to edit the "Events page" each time there is a new event Cool , so I think it could be interesting to have functions in theme editing to get child pages and content of those pages :

The structure of pages would be :
* Events page
** Event 3
** Event 2
** Event 1

and the theme for "Events page" would do something like this :

foreach (get_children(current_page) as $child) {
   echo $child->get_title();
   echo $child->get_content();

I hope what I tried to explain is quite clear (I'm french :/ )
Maybe it is already possible ?

Thanks !!
I'm looking for the same functionality...
if i find a solution i will post here the code
Ok! i made it...

just use menu_data function and parent_slug tag:

i manage an old function discovered in an old post:

The getSubpagesList function (put in your functions.php theme file):

    function getSubpagesList($parent) {

    $data = menu_data();    
    $parent = $parent . "/";
    $output = array();

    $output[] = '<ul>';
    foreach( $data as $menu) {
        if ($menu['parent_slug'] == $parent){
            $output[] = "<li><a href='" . $menu['url'] . "' title='" . $menu['title'] . "'>"
                                                    . $menu['title'] . $menu['parent'] . "</a></li>";
    $output[] = '</ul>';

    $menu_string = implode("\n", $output);
    echo $menu_string;

You can call where you want passing the slug of the parent page:

<?php getSubpagesList('events');?>

It shows all the pages with a particular parent slug
Should this be moved to Scripts & Components Category?


good idea... moved it there now.
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Hi Webquadro, thanks for your sharing your code !
I have tried and works great

a little thing..
on the event template file, you better call it by a dinamic code like:

<?php getSubpagesList( return_page_slug() );?>

and something nice, adding this code on the sidebar, with a few UL - List, we have the second level browsing...

isnt it simple ?
focoves Wrote:We have the second level browsing...
You do realise we have had that for about a month now? Multi-level navigation has even been implemented on some sites in the show section of the forum. You can find it here, as multi-level navigation.

Uses the same idea, and generates all the lists with CSS classes ready for use.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
Hi Zegnåt,
yes, it is a good point cheking a few on the past ... it is a bad practice giving a view just to updates.. sorry Smile
I have tested your Mastering Navigation ... is OK ! well done Smile
I am now trying to work with css to show a good result
thank you. x
Hi Webquadro,
call me stupid, but I cannot understand how should I use your function... Maybe because I'm pretty illitterate when it comes to php Smile
I mean, I'd like to have an homepage with a listing of recent news. I make the homepage template just like the default template, but instead of
<?php get_page_content(); ?>
I put
<?php getSubpagesList('news');?>
Then I create various pages with my news content, and make all those pages child of the homepage, right?
Thank you for your help...
Greetings Melmoth.

I also have had some difficulty with following function instructions and I know it's pilot error. Anyway, you can get news into your site another way. I use NewsOffice in my GS work and I just make another template [I call it News.php or whatever] I use it as my home page and I add the php for the news script below the get_page_content(); php like this...

<div id="bodycontent">

<div class="post">
<h1><?php get_page_title(); ?></h1>
<div class="postcontent">
<?php get_page_content(); ?>

<!-- // News Office Script //-->

$selected_category = "1";
$theme_selected = "default";

The example uses the Default_Simple theme.

You can find NewsOffice here...

I got some help early on from Pixelita and Chris. [Many Thanks again.]

Thank you homershines.
It seems you found a smart solution, I think I'll go that route. But I'd like something simplier than newsoffice. I found micronews, which is fantastic, but doesn't let you modify an existing news, you can just create a new one (with a WYSIWYG editor)... Let's see if I can find something that simple and small, but just a tiny bity more complete.
Try these...

phpFastNews is probably the easiest to set up.


Thank you homershines for your suggestions. I had already tried them, but I can't get 'em to work... I include the page, but it doesn't show up correctly (and sometimes the layout is messed up, too).

Maybe I'll try your first suggestion (newsoffice) in the end Smile
@webquadro: Thank you for the submenu function. I had some trouble with the list. Code was not valid. Fixed it like this:
//** FUNCTION: get_subpages()                       **//
//**                                                **//
//** Function to display subpages.                  **//
function get_subpages($parent) {
    $data = menu_data();    
    $parent = $parent . "/";
    $output = array();

    foreach( $data as $menu) {
        if ($menu['parent_slug'] == $parent){
            $output[] = "<li><a href='" . $menu['url'] . "' title='" . $menu['title'] . "'>"
                                                    . $menu['title'] . $menu['parent'] . "</a></li>";
    $menu_string = implode("\n", $output);
    if ($menu_string != "") {
    echo "<ul>".$menu_string."</ul>"; }
Simplify, optimize, minimalize but keep the core.
Philipp Speck Wrote:Fixed it like this
Please note that your code will probably break in the next GetSimple version. I already talked about the problem in that same topic. Parent value will no longer need to end in a slash (/).
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
Hmm... this don't work for me. I use GetSimple 2.03 and i want to make a editable contentslider like
My idea was to make a page with Subpages and generate the unordered list from the subpages. Good idea?? - Or is there a better way to realize it. Somebody did it? It has to be editable without knowledge of HTML (so not with components, that would be the easy way Wink)

Thats the way I would do it, and have done here

Also uses my CustomFields Plugin to specify the Headings and Images.

Text for the pages is editable as normal pages.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Yeah, that is exactly what I need.

I am new with GetSimple - I love it because its so easy for Users to handle their content. So, I try to make my first page with it and it's a bit hard - normally I use Typo3. Would you pleaaaaase post the function which is needed to read the content from the subpages? Wink Would be very nice from you... Custom Fields I will test!

Thank you!
Here it is, I've removed all the Customfields code.

In my example I've created a page called "portfolio"
then created all the subpages with the parent set to "portfolio"

Just style the output to what you need.

function getPortfolio(){
    global $PRETTYURLS;
    global $SITEURL;    
    $path = "data/pages";
        $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
        $filenames = array();
        while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) {
            $filenames[] = $filename;
        $pagesArray = array();
        if (count($filenames) != 0) {
            foreach ($filenames as $file) {
                if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || is_dir("data/pages/".$file) || $file == ".htaccess"  ) {
                    // not a page data file
                } else {
                    $thisfile = @file_get_contents('data/pages/'.$file);
                    $data = simplexml_load_string($thisfile);
                    //change portfolio to your top page name....
                    if ($data->parent == 'portfolio' && $data->private!="Y") {

                    echo "<li>";                      
                        echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($data->content, ENT_QUOTES));
                       echo "</li>";    
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Mike, you are great!! - Thank you so much! Tomorrow I will check how to integrate your custom field plugin. Today I learned enough *hihi*

Greetings from Austria!

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