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Automatic Installations
Hi, I want to know if there is a plan to include in the GS core or as a plugin a script to handling automatic (inside from the CMS) the installations of Plugins and Themes, like the most of the other CMS? Because now we have to make many steps for an installation (specially in a server) and this is not so SIMPLE!!!

welcome here!

I also thought once about a feature like this and it's pro and cons, but I think, for me, in my experience, there are more cons...

I do not agree with you, what is more simple than uploading files by FTP and voilá, the theme or the plugin is active?
An automatic uploader/installer is in my experience clicked too fast and too often

this for sure is a question of experience and knowledge, I know

Maybe you think of the pluginsmanager in CMSMadeSimple but I must tell you that feature is pain in the a....

and I remember / expect / fear a lot of trouble with folder rights etc. with integrated uploading and activating

The way it is done now gives a lot of freedom to the admin to decide which version of which plugin to install and it is really done in a few minutes

But I am not the deveoper, and this are just my personal five cents...

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:Yannis,

welcome here!

I also thought once about a feature like this and it's pro and cons, but I think, for me, in my experience, there are more cons...

I do not agree with you, what is more simple than uploading files by FTP and voilá, the theme or the plugin is active?
An automatic uploader/installer is in my experience clicked too fast and too often

this for sure is a question of experience and knowledge, I know

Maybe you think of the pluginsmanager in CMSMadeSimple but I must tell you that feature is pain in the a....

and I remember / expect / fear a lot of trouble with folder rights etc. with integrated uploading and activating

The way it is done now gives a lot of freedom to the admin to decide which version of which plugin to install and it is really done in a few minutes

But I am not the deveoper, and this are just my personal five cents...

Cheers, Connie

Thanks Connie for your Answer!
I Still have a different opinion about this issue...
Lets think an installation of GetSimple. When you installing it for the first time, you don't have
anything to get starting. After the installation you have to downloading a lot of plugins to make
your site functional. Even the user administration coming as a plugin! So the solution of the simplicity
it belongs to the developers.
A first thought is to include many of the "most used" plugins and themes to the
installation of the GS.
A second thought is the creation of a plugin manager without any fear!!!
The most of the famous CMS using a plugin manager without any problem:
Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, Modx, Xoops, Typo3, Elxis etc.
Iam writing my opinion because I am seeing GetSimple to going being a Famous CMS
in the lightweight CMS arena!!!!
Quote:After the installation you have to downloading a lot of plugins to make your site functional.
while I think adding in an auto installer deserves some consideration, I definitely do not agree with this statement.
- Chris
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ccagle8 Wrote:
Quote:After the installation you have to downloading a lot of plugins to make your site functional.
while I think adding in an auto installer deserves some consideration, I definitely do not agree with this statement.

Ok about the consideration Chris. What about my thoughts?
Yannis, everybody has the right to express his opinion.

But I ask you as we ask every newbie with the system, first read along the forum and the WIKI, get the athmosphere
before you start to demand and push ;=)

Yiannis Wrote:I Still have a different opinion about this issue...
Lets think an installation of GetSimple. When you installing it for the first time, you don't have
anything to get starting. After the installation you have to downloading a lot of plugins to make
your site functional.

this is absolutely wrong.
Getsimple is ready to use and offers all the basic steps a simple CMS needs

read the slogan:
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't

Yiannis Wrote:Even the user administration coming as a plugin! So the solution of the simplicity
it belongs to the developers.

1) you come here and demand, but you did not read the forum or the WIKI as we suggest every fresh user
GetSimple is indeed planned as a one-user-system. That is nothing bad, that is no error, that is absolutely ok

2) you did not invent the wheel. If you had read along the forum you would have noticed that there are plans to
include "basic plugins" in coming versions

Yiannis Wrote:Iam writing my opinion because I am seeing GetSimple to going being a Famous CMS
in the lightweight CMS arena!!!!

Great that GS is on that way!
If everything what you demand would be included in the basic version, it would not be a lightweight CMS anymore ;=)

and don't compare with Joomla!, please, you will make me angry, I have many experience with that and it is software from hell
don't compare with DRUPAL this is a system for BIG Content

so try to keep the ball down (as we germans say)

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I agree with Yiannis that this is a functionality which isn't so bad to have in the cms. GS already has a file uploader, where one could also say it isn't absolutely necessary since we already use ftp. I think a website shouldn't have to rely on ftp for installing new/extra functionality, especially when it's probably a relatively simple procedure (for a programmer):

1. Upload plugin/theme zip file (via browse button in GS)
2. content is unzipped into plugin folder

Ok this can be more advanced, like the way Wordpress is doing this, but I don't think that is necessary.

p.s. maybe this can be moved to the Feature request section?
Even though I like using automatic installers, I'm voting against this here. It would introduce significant complications, and that is the antithesis of simple in a system sense. Wordpress' admin plugin install capability is remarkably good, but that's an enormous system, the opposite of GetSimple. MODx, a very well-established system, recently introduced admin plugin installs, and it kind of works, but often it does not, and their forum is now littered with posts begging for help (and those developers are very good coders!). This is what I would anticipate if we tried to do this here: lots of unhappy customers, and a support nightmare.

I think this is why this comes up - to the end-user, simple means having anything you want, anytime, with no effort at all. To the programmer, simple means a system without a tremendous amount of complex code, and that's fairly easy to use and modify. So there will always be this push and pull between those poles.

FTP of the files to the server - that's something I can easily live with. If that's the "bar to entry" for this system, I think that's actually good.

I think the end-users would have a better perspective on this if they actually had to code AND support something like this. But that doesn't happen, of course.

Cheers, Dave
CSS and CMS development. Specializes in MODx and Wordpress.
I agree with flamenco here whole-heartedly. I feel like ease of installation of a plugin or theme isnt needed by anyone but the dev. The end user of a GS powered site shouldnt be concerned with adding new functionality. Remember, we are targeting small business users with little to no HTML exp.
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
datiswous Wrote:1. Upload plugin/theme zip file (via browse button in GS)
2. content is unzipped into plugin folder

Is this functionallity (listed above by me) still possible to create via a plugin (just curious)?

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