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Mail newsletter
Hi I am trying to set a input form for mail newsletter. Is there a php tag to add onto sidebar ?
use a component for that.

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I have <?php get_component('sidebar'); ?> in side bar but it not showing the email sign up newsletter form
Connie Wrote:use a component for that.
I am struggling trying to figure out what you mean by just use component. Could you add a little more detail please?
a component is always showing the content of that component when included in a template

so you should create a component, add the code for the form into that and include that into your template
or you can add the code of the form into the sidebar component

the classic component "sidebar" which I assume you are seeing is the component which is visible at the right sidebar of the Innovation theme
if you use that theme, edit the content of that component and the form will show up

see here:[]=component

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Ok so you mean I will have to go to edit component and add textarea and submit input into the content ?
Connie Wrote:a component is always showing the content of that component when included in a template

so you should create a component, add the code for the form into that and include that into your template
or you can add the code of the form into the sidebar component

the classic component "sidebar" which I assume you are seeing is the component which is visible at the right sidebar of the Innovation theme
if you use that theme, edit the content of that component and the form will show up

see here:[]=component
i add mail_newsletter in component title, and then what? input in content?
sorry, I think you don't understand me and I cannot explaín it better, I give up

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I have gotten the form in the component. But i Need to know how do i collect user email address, if they submit for newsletter ?
@MrGen, please search Extend for 'Newsletter'

Nearly every question you have asked has been somewhere on the forum or is available through extend.
Use the search first , that's what its there for...

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