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How did you meet GS?
I get here through, looking for a light CMS.

How did you meet GS? (For the GS creator: What were you doing when you thought about GS?)
GS fan
I met getsimple via an introduction from google using the keywords build 'simple' and "small business" website.
You might find this press release interesting: http://get-simple (dot) info/wiki/press_release.

I admire how get simple stayed focused on being simple and the needs of a very specific target market= small businesses who only need to manage a basic website!
I just met it yesterday but I can't remember how. lol Wink
I met it testing a lot of small and medium-sized CMSes out of interest, and after testing I moved permanently from CMSimple and CMSMadeSimple to GetSimple.

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I only found GetSimple about a week ago, I googled lightweight CMS, Perch Alternative and look at other options. As a designer I am a sucker for nice websites & UI, this put me off other CMS's but GetSimple seemed to look good both in a functional and atheistic point of view. Glad I gave it a try, I was able to rebuild an old freelance project for a client looking a backend in a few evenings. It's simple, lightweight and the plugins are great.
rmccawl Wrote:I only found GetSimple about a week ago, I googled lightweight CMS, Perch Alternative and look at other options. As a designer I am a sucker for nice websites & UI, this put me off other CMS's but GetSimple seemed to look good both in a functional and atheistic point of view. Glad I gave it a try, I was able to rebuild an old freelance project for a client looking a backend in a few evenings. It's simple, lightweight and the plugins are great.
I too share an "atheistic" point of view, intentional equivocation. Smile
I found GS on and fell in love with its minimalism and I love its similarities to wordpress when it comes to theming. Though I still love wordpress and use it, Get-Simple works great for projects where you don't need a blog but don't want the overhead costs (server resources) that come with something like Concrete5, Joomla, or my least favorite "Droopal". :/
Todo arde si le aplicas la chispa adecuada.
Looking for a wordpress alternative, with a simpler interface, minimal tweaks, and ease of use for non-tech clients, I found GetSimple a good choice.

I've just about finished my first GS site for a client and he's managing to update things fairly easily so far. Only using a few plugins - Multi User, p01-contact and News Manager.

Until this point my client's sites have either been static (and difficult for them to update) or Wordpress. Having little experience with php means I'm on a steep learning curve when it comes to backend stuff in GS, so I've been looking not just for a CMS that's simple for the client, but also for the web designer! Despite some difficulty with the htaccess rewrites, timezone issues, and some of the php functions, I'm getting there.

I would just like to say thanks to the developers, contributers and anyone else who helps keep GS going and improving.

I happened on GetSimple via something like 1.5 years back, maybe even a bit longer ago. What I saw at the time showed a lot of promise but was still lacking a number of features I felt we needed for our clients.

In the meantime we opted for RuubikCMS, a CMS wich in quite a few ways is similar to GetSimple. Especially in the ease-of-use department for the end-users. Which in our opinion is what is most important. It's nice to have a CMS that has all the bells and whistles you could think of but in the end is very complex in using (the dreaded Joomla springs to mind).

Naturally I always kept an eye on GetSimple in the meantime because I liked it a lot. The project has matured very nicely in the meantime, overtaking the previously preffered Ruubik. Especially the ever growing range of plugins.

So I did a test project in November, GetSimple came through in flying colours. Then did a production site for a client, again a huge success, the client loved it and took to it like a duck to water.

In the meantime we (sounds quite heavy hahaha but we are a 2-man operation doing corporate design, advertising and webdevelopment for a very diverse customer-base, ranging from 1-man companies to multinationals) have decided to go with GetSimple as our CMS of choice for small to mid-size companies.

I am now working with it almost daily and absolutely love it. It is a very robust system which, thanks to the diverse nature of the plugins can be used for all types of websites.

Good job all!

it is good to read such praise! Thank you for using GS!

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I too googled lightweight CMS and found GS
kate Wrote:Looking for a wordpress alternative, with a simpler interface, minimal tweaks, and ease of use for non-tech clients, I found GetSimple a good choice.
I search for a simple cms software and found GetSimple.
Thanks for your support and an easy to use CMS software.
For me it is the best cms software I found on the web Wink
We had all been beginners :)
Draxeiro Wrote:So I did a test project in November, GetSimple came through in flying colours. Then did a production site for a client, again a huge success, the client loved it and took to it like a duck to water.
In the meantime we (sounds quite heavy hahaha but we are a 2-man operation doing corporate design, advertising and webdevelopment for a very diverse customer-base, ranging from 1-man companies to multinationals) have decided to go with GetSimple as our CMS of choice for small to mid-size companies.
I am now working with it almost daily and absolutely love it. It is a very robust system which, thanks to the diverse nature of the plugins can be used for all types of websites.

I agree with Connie - This is a ringing endorsement for GetSimple. Thank you very much for your detailed explanation!!
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
ccagle8 Wrote:I agree with Connie - This is a ringing endorsement for GetSimple. Thank you very much for your detailed explanation!!

Hi Chris,

My pleasure. By the way, you're very much welcome to use the quote if you have use for it Smile
By comparing CMSes.. Started with Wordpress, then found Concrete5 and so on.. Till I tripped on this and 'got stuck' to it. or w/e helped a lot.
Heavyweight Wrote:w/e
what's that?
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
I work for a charity, and about a year ago I was put in charge of updating/modifying the organization's website, despite having very limited knowledge on website development. The problem was I wasn't always available to help with and update the website, so I looked into ways of implementing some sort of WYSIWYG (and learning all the lingo Tongue ) editor.

I tried many different content management systems, but couldn't really find one that was user-friendly enough for my co-workers. Eventually, I stumbled on GetSimple through and it's been great! We now have a few volunteers, who have next to no knowledge on web development but can still update the website with ease! Big Grin It's been a great help, so thank you to everybody involved in this fantastic CMS!
I had a client's website that I manually updated via FTP, So i took a look around for a simple CMS that I could implement in into the website in short time, I thought about using concrete5, but ultimately found GetSimple CMS from google searches, took a look at the demo, read the documentation and within a few hours the site was ported over and working.

I then wrote a plugin for installing plugins more easily (GS Plugin Installer) and I tend to contribute to the project a lot in the future as well as provide this GetSimple development and integration as one of my freelance services.

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