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have 3 CMS read from one plugin Folder?
So I use this CMS on 3 different subdirectories on my site.

If I add a plugin I have to add them to each plugin folder. Is there a way to put the plugin in my main directory and point the subdirectory to the same plugin folder.

How and where in the code is the plugin folder link so I can change it to point somewhere else?

I use version 3.1.2 - all I want to do is change them so they read the plugins folder in a different directory. Hope you can help - let me know if you have a question what I am needing.
GSPLUGINPATH which is used internally for the Plugin path is defined on line 48 of /admin/inc/common.php
you could try messing about with that. Bear in mind your changing the core and any update you do might overwrite this...
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Website: DigiMute
(2012-11-01, 07:24:12)n00dles101 Wrote: GSPLUGINPATH which is used internally for the Plugin path is defined on line 48 of /admin/inc/common.php
you could try messing about with that. Bear in mind your changing the core and any update you do might overwrite this...


Yeah I saw this and figured this is probably it - will play around with the paths and see what I can figure out - was hoping there was a more direct easy path.

Thanks for the quick response,
Could you use symbolic links ?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Yeah I was also thinking symlinks might work. I'm moving this thread to the other section since it makes more sense there. Smile
(2012-11-01, 09:12:13)shovenose Wrote: Yeah I was also thinking symlinks might work. I'm moving this thread to the other section since it makes more sense there. Smile


But looking under common.php at --> define('GSPLUGINPATH', GSROOTPATH. 'plugins/'); I could not just change 'plugins/' to a new path that reads to the main directory? How would you use the symlinks?
Well, you should certainly try changing that setting.
If it doesn't work, however, you may want to read this:

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