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Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It)
Just finished my latest plugin for Get Simple. It's a simple image gallery, that works hand in hand with the file manager inside of Get Simple.

I hope you guys will find it useful and i'm looking to hear some feedback from you guys.

Google Code Project Page:

Latest Stable Version: 2.0

Change Log

v 2.0 - Released 05/19/2010
- Some CSS changes and improvements
- Added missing language variables
- Nailed down the jquery conflict bug.

v 2.0 - RC2 - Released 04/30/2010
- Added setting to turn on/of the title of the gallery
- Added caption text below image and a setting to turn on/off this feature
- Some CSS fixes
- Added GSG_VERSION constant to keep track of plugin version

v 2.0.0 - RC - Released 04/21/2010
- Added Settings page
- In settings page:
- Ability to change the language of the plugin.
- Ability to disable the include of jQuery, for users that might have conflicts with another plugin or template.

v 2.0.0 - Beta 3 - Released 04/13/2010
- Added Language Support
- Ability to put a caption to each image

v 2.0.0 - Beta 1&2 - Released 04/03/2010
- Added the ability to create multiple galleries
- Incorporated Admin Tab Loader, so that it's easier for user to use the plugin.
- Added jQuery.noConflict to avoid conflicts with other javascript frameworks
- Added credit section in Sidebar
- Improved the health check
- Expanded clickable area of image box in gallery, so that the entire box is clickable.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I have installed the plugin, uploaded some .jpgs and visited the newpage with the page option "enable photo gallery" checked. When I visit the new page, nothing appears? I viewed the source and there was several <ul></li>s that were not there before any help would be great!
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
Can you elaborate more on the ul/li tags. Can you put the actual source of the ul portion? Also what version of getsimple are you using. And lastly, can you enable debug mode and go the page were the gallery was enabled to see if you are getting any errors.


OWS_Matthew Wrote:I have installed the plugin, uploaded some .jpgs and visited the newpage with the page option "enable photo gallery" checked. When I visit the new page, nothing appears? I viewed the source and there was several <ul></li>s that were not there before any help would be great!
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
juliancc Wrote:Can you elaborate more on the ul/li tags. Can you put the actual source of the ul portion? Also what version of getsimple are you using. And lastly, can you enable debug mode and go the page were the gallery was enabled to see if you are getting any errors.


OWS_Matthew Wrote:I have installed the plugin, uploaded some .jpgs and visited the newpage with the page option "enable photo gallery" checked. When I visit the new page, nothing appears? I viewed the source and there was several <ul></li>s that were not there before any help would be great!

I have added your plug in and selected an image to be displayed in gallery although all i see is a bullet point with no images displayed, the script in my source code is as follows.

<!-- BEGIN Square IT's Simple Image Gallery -->
    <ul id="sqr_image_gallery">
        <li><div><a href="/data/uploads/legendsHeader.jpg" title="legendsHeader.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=legendsHeader.jpg&dest=thumbmed.legendsHeader.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/screenshot.jpg" title="screenshot.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=screenshot.jpg&dest=thumbmed.screenshot.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li>    
    <div class="sqr-clearer"></div>
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    $(window).load(function() {
    (function ($) {
        $.fn.vAlign = function() {
            return this.each(function(i){
                var ah = $(this).height();
                var ph = $(this).parent().parent().height();
                var mh = (ph - ah) / 2;
                $(this).css('margin-top', mh);
    <!-- END Square IT's Simple Image Gallery -->

I am setting up a friends site and any assistance will be much appreciated, as this is (php) outside my field of expertise. Thanks.

PS one thought i did have but i may be wrong is the folder where the gallery is sourcing the images correct? also when i view plug in in the cms the thumbnail does not generate. I am using the latest version of GetSimple
Can you try something out for me. Make sure that the thumbs folder in /data/thumbs/ has at least 755 permission in your chmod settings. same with the uploads folder (/data/uploads/)

I'm almost certain this is the root of the problem.

I did encounter a small bug with the style sheet when using version 2.01. I'm fixing that as I type this post.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I just uploaded an updated version of the plugin to my blog. But this should only address some minor bugs with the CSS of the image gallery.

BTW: To check the permission status of the folders..remember you can go to: Support->Website Health Check

Make sure everything is OK there.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
juliancc Wrote:I just uploaded an updated version of the plugin to my blog. But this should only address some minor bugs with the CSS of the image gallery.

BTW: To check the permission status of the folders..remember you can go to: Support->Website Health Check

Make sure everything is OK there.

Hi mate,

I have checked all the folder permissions and they are all set at 0755, do i need to do anything in the .htaccess file in the plug in folder?

Also what is the version number of your updated image gallery, and is there anywhere i can see a demo of a working gallery? Thanks,

The current version is 1.01

it should not be a problem with htaccess! I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the thumb generator. My guess is that the thumb generator is not able to creates the thumbs on the fly. Most likely because of permission errors. Can you try the max permission in the thumbs directory? Chmod 777.

Has anyone else installed the plugin and is having the same problem? I'm not able to replicate! And according to the code you posted. The plugin is generating the correct code!

I will try to investigate more.. See if I can find your problem!
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Will test this out tonight. Thanks for building this! i'm sure a lot of people will find it very useful Smile
Nothing is too difficult... anything is possible.
'But you tried, and you failed.. the important thing? never try'
juliancc Wrote:The current version is 1.01

it should not be a problem with htaccess! I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the thumb generator. My guess is that the thumb generator is not able to creates the thumbs on the fly. Most likely because of permission errors. Can you try the max permission in the thumbs directory? Chmod 777.

Has anyone else installed the plugin and is having the same problem? I'm not able to replicate! And according to the code you posted. The plugin is generating the correct code!

I will try to investigate more.. See if I can find your problem!

Hi Julian,

Sorry to be a pain mate, i have uploaded images and it creates the thumbnials and places them in the thumbnail folder, when i go to the plugin page and go to the gallery admin page the thumbnail is visible but when i press the save image gallery button.

The thumbnail disappears, not sure why and if you cant replicate the prolem not sure what it is, anyway thnaks for your assistance i will keep looking into it as well.
As is my output code is:
<!-- BEGIN Square IT's Simple Image Gallery -->
    <ul id="sqr_image_gallery">
        <li><div><a href="/data/uploads/doors1.jpg" title="doors1.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=doors1.jpg&dest=thumbmed.doors1.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/fireplace 2.jpg" title="fireplace 2.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=fireplace 2.jpg&dest=thumbmed.fireplace 2.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/fireplace.jpg" title="fireplace.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=fireplace.jpg&dest=thumbmed.fireplace.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/FRONT OF HICKS.jpg" title="FRONT OF HICKS.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=FRONT OF HICKS.jpg&dest=thumbmed.FRONT OF HICKS.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/Me.jpg" title="Me.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=Me.jpg&dest=thumbmed.Me.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/Megan and Me.jpg" title="Megan and Me.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=Megan and Me.jpg&dest=thumbmed.Megan and Me.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li>    
    <div class="sqr-clearer"></div>

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    $(window).load(function() {
    (function ($) {
        $.fn.vAlign = function() {
            return this.each(function(i){
                var ah = $(this).height();
                var ph = $(this).parent().parent().height();
                var mh = (ph - ah) / 2;
                $(this).css('margin-top', mh);
    <!-- END Square IT's Simple Image Gallery -->

I turned debugging on and did not encounter any errors (other than a menu error on Zegnats muli lvl nav wich I would love assistance fixingSmile)

Also, I am running GetSimple v2.01.
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
daniel_newdev Wrote:
juliancc Wrote:The current version is 1.01

it should not be a problem with htaccess! I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the thumb generator. My guess is that the thumb generator is not able to creates the thumbs on the fly. Most likely because of permission errors. Can you try the max permission in the thumbs directory? Chmod 777.

Has anyone else installed the plugin and is having the same problem? I'm not able to replicate! And according to the code you posted. The plugin is generating the correct code!

I will try to investigate more.. See if I can find your problem!

Hi Julian,

Sorry to be a pain mate, i have uploaded images and it creates the thumbnials and places them in the thumbnail folder, when i go to the plugin page and go to the gallery admin page the thumbnail is visible but when i press the save image gallery button.

The thumbnail disappears, not sure why and if you cant replicate the prolem not sure what it is, anyway thnaks for your assistance i will keep looking into it as well.

Hi Julian,

I have looked into and i thought to give something a go, i have manged to generate and view the thumbnails in the admin area, and on the live test site, but to do this i had to update the script.

What i did was in the squareit-gallery.php file i added this
<?php get_theme_url(); ?>

and then just to test i added the following in the Simple Image gallery script area which is embedded in the page i added the full url to make it visible on the site, i thought to add this because my test site is on a live server i needed to have the full url in place.
OWS_Matthew Wrote:A menu error on Zegnåts muli lvl nav wich I would love assistance fixing Smile
Is it an actual error of the plugin or of your edits? The plugin will be updated later today (CET).
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
@daniel_newdev You are right my friend. For some reason I assumed everybody will install this in root (My Mistake) So the paths are not correct. I will fix this ASAP and post the updated version in my blog.

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
OK guys. I just updated the plug-in that I think will address the problems some of you are having. The latest version should be v.1.0.2
Test it out and let me know if the problem still occurs.

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Zegnat, the error with the menu is as follows:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for menu_master(), called in /home/content/m/a/t/matthewphillip/html/BEF_GS/theme/Bailey_2.0/template.php on line 31 and defined in /home/content/m/a/t/matthewphillip/html/BEF_GS/plugins/zegnat-multilevelmenu.php  on line 74

juliancc, I am still unable to get this to work, now when i visit my site and go to the page that has the photogallery displayed, it does not load.. (When I view page source there is nothing there.

I have deleted and re-created the page and the problem persist...

also when i visit the admin page, there is now little images that look like a little rectangle, but they never load when clicked.

All my permissions are set correctly..

I have not edited your code in any way...
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
I just attempted to create a new page with out the gallery, and it does the same thing.. I am going to look into this more momentarely...
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
That’s a weird error with my menu, as there is only one possible argument you can pass to the server and that one is given a default value on the mentioned line (74). So why would it tell us you’re missing an argument. Could you check line 74 of the plugin and tell me what you find there?
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
I apologize for all the postings, Zegnat, I have re-uploaded the main files of the GS core (All the files with in admin and the site folder) this has fixed the error with your plug-in (not sure how or why but it has Smile )

As far as the photo gallery, I have corrected the issue with the page not loading (I turned off fancy urls (I believe this has something to do with not have a .htaccess file in my web-root folder???) and the pages load fine now, but whats really weird is that fancy urls worked fine 2 days ago?!?!?

As far as this actual plugin, it now displays the images only no pop up or anything (not really sure if its supposed to have one?) but it at least works (Also there is no preview on the admin page like there seems should be???)

Thanks for all your help...
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
I'm sorry Matthew for all the bugs that you are encountering. Also.. thanks for the persistence and helping me iron out the kinks. I just went over the code, and found more path issues. This time is in the back end. The reason the images do not load when you click is because when you click on it it's unable to find the actual uploaded image.

As far as the page not loading.. that didn't happen before.. correct?? do you have debug turned on? do you see any errors popping up?

Can you also add here your current file structure? or just confirm that you don't have your get simple installation in root.

Thanks again for all your help and patience.

PS: Making changes to the code with all the new bug fixes and will upload the updated version to my blog.

OWS_Matthew Wrote:Zegnat, the error with the menu is as follows:
juliancc, I am still unable to get this to work, now when i visit my site and go to the page that has the photogallery displayed, it does not load.. (When I view page source there is nothing there.

I have deleted and re-created the page and the problem persist...

also when i visit the admin page, there is now little images that look like a little rectangle, but they never load when clicked.

All my permissions are set correctly..

I have not edited your code in any way...
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
The page is now loading fine, I believe that was due to a corrupt file some where in the core installation.

I am not sure what you mean by my file structure, I currently am running v.2.01 so my plugins folder is located
within the root of my GS site. (not the original location /admin/plugins/...)

This is the one feature that I have truly been waiting on to go ahead and switch host (to one that will support GS) and launch my first GS site.

I actually need 3 different image galleries on this specific site, but I was going to wait until the initial release was available to ask for thisSmile
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
I just uploaded the latest version to my blog. Version 1.0.3.
Please try this one out and see if everything is working as expected.

As of right now this plug-in does not allow you to create multiple galleries. But this will be a feature I will try to incorporate as soon as I get the initial release stable.

Once again thanks for trying my plug-in out.

OWS_Matthew Wrote:The page is now loading fine, I believe that was due to a corrupt file some where in the core installation.

I am not sure what you mean by my file structure, I currently am running v.2.01 so my plugins folder is located
within the root of my GS site. (not the original location /admin/plugins/...)

This is the one feature that I have truly been waiting on to go ahead and switch host (to one that will support GS) and launch my first GS site.

I actually need 3 different image galleries on this specific site, but I was going to wait until the initial release was available to ask for thisSmile
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
have you changed any of the code in your working example to make it appear like that?

I have it installed and it works great within the admin area now (I upgraded to your newest version) but I still do not get a pop up when visiting the photo gallery page?

I get a list with the three images i have uploaded, each one separated by a line?

I am not much of a coder myself, but could this possibly be a path error, or a permissions error? (Since it is attempting to use administration .js files and ect... )
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
I have fixed the error, for some reason, when I went to the following location:
nothing loaded (I visited it on the ftp and there was no file there with that name, I downloaded it from your working example and uploaded it, and it works great now!

You may consider adding this file to the squarit-simple-gallery folder within your plugin, I am not sure if it should be in the core or not?

I am also going to look into some possible css errors I will report back to you soon!
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
You may want to attempt and change the css some way where we can have a little more control over the image gallery its self, like add some custom classes or something like that within your css file that will allow us to specify borders and ect...
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!

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