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Plugin Suggestions!
I've had a couple people say "If anyone has suggestions, I will build some plugins..." Well - for those of you who said that - I am taking you all up on your offer.

Hopefully the plugins that Mike and I have made will be of help along with our plugin codex

Here is a small list I sketched up as ones I want to develop, but I don't have the time. If anyone needs an additional hook or two to make their plugin work, let me know here.

- Integrate comments into pages

2. Ad Manager
- Ability to upload image, text and a link

3. Hide email PHP Function

4. Flickr gallery integration

5. Twitter Integration
- A plugin to auto-tweet when a new page is created
- A plugin that lists recent tweets of the user via the API

6. HTML version of sitemap
- Could reuse some code that is in /admin/sitemap.php

7. OpenID Login
- Replace GS login system with OpenID

8. Facebook Connect Login
- Replace GS login system with Facebook Connect

9. Add to .htaccess
(use file_get_contents() function to read contents then write a new combined version back to the server)
- A plugin to create affiate links
- A plugin to add 302 redirects for when old sites get moved to the new GS page structure
- A plugin to add the Perishable Press 3G Blacklist to your root level .htaccess file -

10. Sample content for theme developers
- Maybe not a true plugin, but something like this would be extremely helpful -

11. Regenerate thumbnails - /data/thumbs/thumbnail.*
- Recreate all thumbnails for images in /data/uploads/. Use the values stored in gsconfig.php

12. SEO Pack
- Add a new custom field that separates the page title from the title within the page (whats between the H1 tags)
- Add other robots related meta tags (no-index, etc.)

13. Search Function
- Either use google custom search or create function that looks in all XML files within /data/pages/ (although this could be taxing on your server)

14. Syntax Highlighting
- Integrate syntax highlighting into the editor

15. Amazon S3
- Create auto-backups to a specified S3 account

16. Maintenance Mode
- Check for an existance of a file (maybe install.php since it gets deleted as soon as setup is complete) and show a simple "Down for Maintenance" page.

17. Concatenate CSS and JS scripts
- For both the user theme and the admin area

18. jCart Integration
- It doesn't need mySQL either! -

19. Bigger and Badder Contact Form

20. Custom Themes with Custom Hooks & Plugins
- a-la Themeatic and Hybrid for WordPress=
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
I have a few that I said would work on. They will come in time. This week I've received 3 new contracts of work to fulfill, I'm gonna be backed up for a while, gladly that is Smile
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
One suggestion i would like to see is somekind of simple news / blog system where user can include news to his/her site. Shouldn´t be hard to develop?

What i am after is that it should be simpe as possible, just to include the necessary items -> Content title, date, content and thats it. I would develop it by myself, but my php knowledge is not at that level.

Thanks for this great system!
1. Disqus Comments:


It's not a plugin though, it would be easy to implement as a plugin however.
random stuff. idk.
Possible option on the news blog system, althought i want to make a blog plugin, what about a plugin that reads the XML from rss of a wordpress blog, and displays it?
Nothing is too difficult... anything is possible.
'But you tried, and you failed.. the important thing? never try'
A RSS reading page would be interesting indeed. I might give it a try after school. Any examples of RSS files it should be able to display?
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
Well i think if it was simply built to output xhtml standard code in a funtion to be placed into a template would work nicely!
Just find a wordpress site and go from there Smile
Nothing is too difficult... anything is possible.
'But you tried, and you failed.. the important thing? never try'
- A quiz plugin

- A poll plugin

- A survey plugin

- A petition plugin

I think these are kinda important because GetSimple's simple & lightweight structure may be appealing for people who wants to open petition/poll/quiz/survey websites with a simple & lightweight script Smile
baris Wrote:- A quiz plugin

- A poll plugin

- A survey plugin

- A petition plugin

I think these are kinda important because GetSimple's simple & lightweight structure may be appealing for people who wants to open petition/poll/quiz/survey websites with a simple & lightweight script Smile

Almost done with the POLL plugin. Version 1.0 should be available soon!
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I think there should be a comment system plugin (kinda like what you get on a blog)
Something I need **right now** is a pagination plugin. Preferably on steroids, with wings Wink (e.g what I really need is a pagination plugin that I can control in terms of which pages it's applied to. I've started writing a book, that's what it's for. And in that context I'd love it if I could apply pagination say to a parent page and all its subpages, but not have it applied to another parent page/subpages. And it should have "previous" and "next" as well as a [truncated maybe] line of page numbers - that would be the "wings".) But any pagination plugin would do to start with.
There's nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.
I wouldn’t recommend pagination (neither will others), especially not for an ebook, as it doesn’t make much sense.

That said, it would be interesting to see it used. What would the standard be, cut it after a x amount of paragraphs?
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
Zegnåt Wrote:I wouldn’t recommend pagination (neither will others), especially not for an ebook, as it doesn’t make much sense.

That said, it would be interesting to see it used. What would the standard be, cut it after a x amount of paragraphs?

In my view it all depends on how you use pagination. Used the way described in the article you link to, as well as sources cited in it, I completely agree. This scenario is different though, it's not about "juicing page views", it's about keeping a natural page rhythm. To emulate the feel of a printed book. If you've seen you know I'm all for emulating print matter on the web... Wink

Anywho, the plugin: no per-paragraph cut. The user should decide page length. A page is a page no matter how long you make it. But at some point you want a new page rather than a new paragraph. Because it affects the reading rythm. So the idea is that having a paginator you can emulate the natural reading mode of a paper book, which is flipping pages. Next page; next page, wait ... go back, re-read, ok, next page. Or, you can try and find a specific page by its number. Try, I think it was page 132. Yeah, there, last three lines. Bookmarked.

Parent page = set pagination('sub-pages, all')
So that's what I'd like. In my opinion, it's a good use of pagination.
I'll put up what I have right now in a bit, including the manual pagination. Will put a link in this post when it's up. So it's clearer, what I'm after.

/* Edit */
The first throes of the book are here:
You can follow the arrows, they're the current manual "pagination". The pagination I really want to do looks nothing like this of course, but it requires an automated paginator, because it should be placed in the theme file.
However, If I'm the only one that thinks this is a good idea then I wouldn't waste time on it... Wink
There's nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.
A backup plugin might come in handy for people who use GS for their clients. As ccagle8 suggested, Amazon S3 is a good option but automatic backing up and sending to an e-mail address might be a better option since, you know, e-mail is free Smile. I was thinking of creating this plugin on my own (to improve my PHP) but I suffer from time (and life) management lately and I thought that someone else should create an important plugin like this, as soon as possible.
I would like to make a cautionary note here. One of the best things about Get Simple is its simplicity. As much as I like being able to extend the functionality of Get Simple, I wouldn't want to lose the simplicity in the process.

Please keep that in mind -- and, of course, the plugins don't need to be installed... just... well, you get my drift!
Heather Feuerhelm
Uniquely Yours Business Services
Virtual Business Services
Web Design and Hosting
- Poll
- Calendar
- Events
- Also option which would allow u easily make a menu link as an external link - which would redirect u to another website.
Sibrus Wrote:- Poll
- Calendar
- Events
- Also option which would allow u easily make a menu link as an external link - which would redirect u to another website.

I created a Polls plugin..
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I would like to see multilanguage support for website content (menu, articles, etc).

As for pagination, maybe I am missing the point. How would be possibile -ie- a forum or a image gallery withouth pagination?
I could agree when used in articles, though.
A plugin that adds more to the WYSIWYG page editor would be great. Namely, font size and type. But also, header options and other useful buttons would be helpful as well
All of that is already supported by CKEditor, you just need to change the toolbar configuration in your gsconfig.php.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
<--- n00b.
Awesome, I'll look into it further. Thanks!
I'm back on the scene... May have some time soon to do some plugins for this, as I'm back doing websites again for a few people and using this as the base of the site Smile
Dominion jCart is a jCart intigration for those that are interested
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Good morning
I have just developed a Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to allow you to regenerate all thumbnails of all uploaded images in your data/downloads folder and subfolder.
This is useful in situations such as:
The thumbnail size has changed and you want previous uploads to have a thumbnail of this size.
You've moved to a new GetSimple theme that uses thumbnail images of different sizes.
To free up space on the server, you can delete old, unused thumbnails from the data/thumbs folder and subfolder.
How can I share it with the GetSimple community?
If you find an error contact me!

PHP Code:
Plugin Name: regenerate_thumbnails
Description: regenerate thumbnails.
Version: 1.0
Author: jjancel 27/04/2024 15:00
Author URI:
# get correct id for plugin

# register plugin
  $thisfile,       # Plugin id
  'Regenerate Thumbnails'# Plugin name
  '1.0',      # Plugin version
  'jjancel',  # Plugin author
  ''# author website
  'Regenerate Thumbnails'# Plugin description
  'files'# page type of plugin
  'regenerate_thumbnails_show' # main plugin function

# activate filter
add_action('files-sidebar','createSideMenu',array($thisfile,'Regenerate Thumbnails'));

# functions
function regenerate_thumbnails_show() {
 if (isset(
$_POST['submitted'])) {
  echo '<h3>list of all images in the data/uploads folder and subfolders</h3>';
  $uploaddir '../data/uploads';
'<h3>How use Regenerate Thumbnails on your files?</h3>';
"<p>Regenerate Thumbnails allows you to regenerate all thumbnails for all uploaded images in your data/uploads folder and sub folder.</p> <p>This is useful in situations such as:</p> <ul>     <li>The thumbnail size has changed and you want previous uploads to have a thumbnail of this size.</li>     <li>You've moved to a new GetSimple theme that uses thumbnail images of a different size.</li> </ul> <p>In order to free up space on the server you can delete old, unused thumbnails from the data/thumbs folder and sub folder.</p>";
'<form method="post" action="';
'?id=regenerate_thumbnails"> <input type="submit" name="submitted"/> </form>';

# functions thumbnails
function frmtFolder($Entity) {
'<li style="font-weight:bold;color:black;list-style-type:none">'.$Entity;

frmtFile($dEntry$fEntry) {
 if (
preg_match('/(\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|\.webp)$/i'$fEntry)) {
  $subFolder substr($dEntry16).'/';
  echo '<li style="list-style-type:square">'.'<a href="'.$dEntry.'/'.$fEntry.'"> '.$fEntry.' </a><br>';
// generate thumbnail                

listFolderFiles($dir) {
$ffs scandir($dir);
// prevent empty ordered elements
if (count($ffs) < 1) {return;}
 foreach (
$ffs as $ff) {
  if (is_dir($dir '/' $ff)) {
  } else {
  if (is_dir($dir '/' $ff)) {
   listFolderFiles($dir '/' $ff);
  echo '</li>';

Attached Files
.php   regenerate_thumbnails.php (Size: 2.71 KB / Downloads: 4)
It would be nice if someone developed an application for the I18N Search plugin to filter products by tags.
It is necessary to make a sample of prices.

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