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3.2.0 php problem
GetSimple 3.1.2 installed like a dream. 3.2.0 will not install regardless of what I do. I have been searching though the forum all day, and nothing has been able to get me past the login screen. The install is on OS X 10.8.2, php 5.3.15, apache 2.2.22. I have searched (a little) for an extra blank character, tried replacing my password, swapped out select files from the 3.1.2 install to no avail.

Is it possible to view the screen grabs to see where I can turn next?

The username and password are never recognized, as I keep getting the list of errors shown on the getsimple4.png.
check to see if you have safe mode on it your PHP/apache... it looks like some kind of a setting on your end is messing up how the PHP is supposed to be runned.

to clarify.. if you have safe mode on disable it.
I am going to guess one of those thousands of permission denied errors.
It's pretty obviously a permissions issue.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks for your suggestions Shawn and WebDevandPhoto. Here is the portion of my php.ini file regarding safe mode:

; Safe Mode
safe_mode = Off

; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare,
; then turn on safe_mode_gid.
safe_mode_gid = Off

I've never edited this file on my current laptop, so I would have to say that safe mode is off by default, at least on Mac OS X 10.8.2.

Where permissions are concerned, I did a chmod 777 on the GetSimpleCMS_3.2.0 folder, and applied it to all of the enclosed contents. Still with the same errors. The admin login screen recognizes when I enter an incorrect password, yet still returns errors.

I don't know what to make of this, but if I turn off the webserver on my laptop, I will still obtain getsimple's login screen:
I really have no clue. Try disabling susoshin.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Since GetSimple 3.1.2 is running fine, what files can I bring in from 3.2.0 that are the foundation of the latest version?

I guess I'm hoping to find a solution for others, if I can.

I have tried creating a new/old GetSimple folder, but I think I copied over the /data and /backups folders from 3.2.0 to 3.1.2 without success. Maybe if I knew the essential files that comprise the 3.2.0 upgrade, then I can give that a try.

I had never heard of suhosin before your response, but I'm not much of a ninja, either. Smile
3.1.2 might be running fine, but have you tried reinstalling them both though as a test in a new folder ?
Test with fresh installs of both versions and see, a permission error like those should show up all the time.

Does a fresh install of 3.1.2 work fine?
Does a fresh install of 3.2 only fail ?

Unless the files you copied do not have proper permissions, or are owned wierd.

suhosin is a security feature it prevents certain things from running depending on its configuration. Its an apache module, if it is blocking stuff it will show in your apache error logs.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks for your feedback, Shawn. I reinstalled 3.1.2 and did screenshots:

Between screenshots 5 and 6, I chmod /data and /backups to 777. I did nothing regarding file clean up between screenshots 7 and 8. 3.1.2 installs into a new folder and is running in just a couple of minutes.

Between these screenshots, I chmod /data, /backups and /admin to 777. And there's the Suhosin-Patch, just as you said. I read that php is compiled in Suhosin and that there is no turning it off. If it is the culprit, I would have to install a differently compiled php to confirm. I'm not sure that I want to go there, at the moment.

I just attempted an install on a different Mac OS X system, this one running 10.6.8. After installation, a screenshot shows that this Apache does not have the Susohin-Patch installed:

This install doesn't let me get past the login screen, either.
What are you running this on ? What environment.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
One computer is a Dual-Core Intel Xeon Mac tower, and the other is a 15-inch MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo. Mac OS X 10.8.2 for the laptop, and Mac OS X 10.6.2 for the tower. Being based on unix, sometimes I'll take care of read/write issues through the terminal (CLI), but more often through an ftp program called Transmit. The Mac is BSD unix, I think.

[Image: chmod.png]

I don't have to do any uniquely funky stuff because I'm on a Mac. You are trained to make changes through the Mac's GUI, but setting up web services means that you have to become familiar with its unix file system.

Here is the Apache errors log from trying to install and run GetSimple 3.2.0 on my laptop:

Also, I'm just installing via localhost.

I could try updating my 3.1.2 install through the command line on my system,... that way permissions shouldn't change (should they?). As it is, I'm doing a wholesale install by just dragging and dropping via OS X's GUI.

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