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Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It)

regarding jquery, it was my mistake. I was testing in GetSimple 2.0 and it had jquery-1.4.1.min.js but since 2.0.1 Get Simple is using jquery.min.js, but I still had jquery-1.4.1.min.js when I upgrated to 2.0.1 so for me It was working fine.

I'm making the changes related to that.

I hope we always stick to using the same name for jquery in future versions so that this does not happen again.

Regarding the CSS. There is a CSS file named sqr_imgal.css under the folder squareit-gallery. You are free to modify that file or copy that code into your main template CSS and edit it there. I will try to see how we can make this better so that it's easier to modify the look. Maybe create a mini templating engine for the gallery.

I'm updating the files right now.. and once again thanks for helping me find the problems.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Alright guys. Updated once AGAIN the plugin. The current version is v.1.0.4 and it's up on my blog.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I am updating as we speak, I am guessing the only change is the js link?

If changing file names is an issue, I would recommend using a include once php include
and including all the required files in the plugin folder.
JWH Technologies
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I just can't figure out why mine shows up like the image i attached and your looks really nice!
JWH Technologies
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Give us a link to see the source code.
It looks to me that the css file is not being called for the plugin.
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
I am not really sure what is going on, when I call up the css sheet in the browser it is blank? I have tried creating a new one and saving over the old one with the same contents but it does the same thing...

here is the link.
JWH Technologies
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I got it to work!

I ended up re-installing all plugins and the whole GetSimple system and it works now!
JWH Technologies
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I was able to replicate your problem. It appears as the .htaccess file in the plugins directory is blocking you from accessing the file. Not sure why I did not run into that problem before, until I installed a new version of GetSimple in a sub dir trying to replicate your structure.

I guess I will not be able to include external CSS sheets the way I was doing.. I will have to read the contents of the file and put it inside style tags.

Note to Developers/Creators: I see the reason behind the Deny from all in htaccess, but shouldn't we allow JS and CSS files to be read and included into the header of the content page?

OWS_Matthew Wrote:I am not really sure what is going on, when I call up the css sheet in the browser it is blank? I have tried creating a new one and saving over the old one with the same contents but it does the same thing...

here is the link.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I'm glad you got it to work.. but the .htaccess in the plugin folder will def. will create the same problem to other users.
I think i'm going to have an additional check to see if an .htaccess exists in the plugin folder... then add the css in the style tags.

OWS_Matthew Wrote:I got it to work!

I ended up re-installing all plugins and the whole GetSimple system and it works now!
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
^ I was gonna say remove the htaccess file, but I don't know why I didn't state that. I had to remove the htaccess file for both my plugins to run.
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
New Version Released!!

v 1.1.0 - Released 03/13/2010
- Added .htaccess to the squareit-gallery folder to allow external files from being called. This fixes the css issue.
- Put all the extra plugin files inside of the squareit-gallery folder to contain all plugin related files in the same directory.
- Added permission checks for the thumbs folder and the squareit-gallery folder. This alerts the user if permissions are not set correctly.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Julian, when you have a moment - I have an issue with image size, or rather thumbnail size that I need to clear up. I'm currently testing v. 1.0.4 so I don't know if 1.1.0 is different in that respect but I suspect it might not be? Anyway, I've changed the output a little to give the link and image a specific class that I already have in use in my own stylesheet (and I'm also using Shadowbox for the larger view, so there was that to change as well), however the thumbnail image created by the gallery or GS (I'm not sure which) is too small in height (125px I believe) to fit my desired layout - I want the thumbs to be 160px so I need to change the cropped image size but I have no idea where that is determined. While changing the output I obviously looked for image scales and thought I'd caught it but no. The dimensions i've defined in my stylesheet don't help as they're set to fixed height and width.

So, in case it's unclear, the question is: where do I change the dimensions for the thumbnail generated by the system (or gallery)? do you know?

If it helps, my output is this, after my changes:
<a class="thumb left" href="data/uploads/blabla.jpg" title="blabla" rel="shadowbox"><img src="data/thumbs/thumbmed.blabla.jpg" /></a>

Much obliged.
There's nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.

That's a great suggestion.. Being able to edit the dimensions of the thumb. I will implement this feature in the next release, so that you can change the value of the height and width from the plugin settings section.

For now.. you can edit LINE 273:
echo '<a href="data/uploads/'. $image .'" title="'. $image .'" rel="facybox" ><img src="admin/inc/thumb.php?src='. $image .'&dest=../../'.$rel_plugin_folder_path.'thumbs/thumbmed.'. $image .'&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a>';

In there you will find something like this: x=125&y=125

You can modify those values to whatever you like.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
When viewing the Photo gallery page, there are thumbnails with in list elements. Would it be possible to some
how make the whole list element clickable, not just the thumbnail?

I think making it out put more like this would help:

<a href="{IMAGE}" title="{IMAGE}"><li id="{IDS}"><img src="{IMAGE}" /></li></a>

Does this make sense?
JWH Technologies
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@Matthew - wrapping things within an <a> (other than plain text or img tags) is invalid in all forms of HTML prior to HTML5. So if your site uses for example XHTML 1.0, then it's not a good idea to use the construction you suggest. If the site uses HTML5, you can go right ahead. Wink However, the simpler solution is to use css to fake it - at least for "modern" browsers (i.e not IE):
ul#square-it-gallery li:hover {background:different-than-default; color:different-than-default; etc}


@Julian - thanks, found it (it was the thing I'd tried earlier that didn't work for the layout). Then realised I'd somehow got into my head that this would crop the thumbs, not just resize it. I swear, I don't know where that thought came from. But it explains my initial confusion. Anyway, problem solved and gallery works very well. Big ups.
There's nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.
@Matthew - I think I see your need for this.. since wrapping only the image makes the whitespace of the LI element unclickable. I have a little script that vertical aligns the image in the container, since I tried for many hours to achieve this with CSS and was unable to do so (If anyone wants the challenge.. feel free to try).

But I did find a work around so that it feels like the entire box is clickable.. Don't want to push a new version right now, since it's not a major thing... and I'm working on other things! But I do promise that in the next release this will be included.

For now, if you want you can make some quick changes to the script (squareit-gallery.php)

Line 297 change it to this:
$(this).css('padding-top', mh);
and add this after that line:
$(this).css('padding-bottom', mh);

@Fred - I'm glad you were able to accommodate the changes. Like I mentioned in my last post, it is a great feature! I already started to incorporate. Will let you know when it's released.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
A question, Julian. Why is it necessary for the plugin to call in jquery.min.js? I'm asking because in the (GS) sites I've done so far (and I don't see it changing any time soon) I'm using a number of other jQuery plugins in the templates, meaning that I already have the latest version of jQuery called in. Now, I realise that my situation most certainly might not be everyone's - some prefer Prototype/Scriptaculous, some like Mootools etc. Which makes it even more interesting to understand why the general call for jquery.min is necessary. I'm thinking it might be smarter to state as a requirement for the plugin that jQuery be used - if that indeed is a requirement - and leave it up to the developer to call in the necessary library the way he/she/it sees fit. Or am I overthinking it?

(I've had to remove the plugin jquery call on one site to prevent a plugin collision, that's why I started this train of thought in the first place...)
There's nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.
Fred you are right, but I don't want to rely on the user to include jQuery. Since I want the plugin to work out of the box. I will look into ways that maybe users can disable the inclusion of jQuery from the settings tab or something. I'm open to suggestions.

Does having 2 jquery includes creates problems???

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
juliancc Wrote:problems

I think you would be smart to leave this as is, if a client was to ever install this plugin,
you would want it to work out of the box for them.

What are you actually using out of the jquery file? Would it be possible to take just what you are using
out and put that in a new .js file and name it something else and include it within your folder?

I really know nothing about js but I really don't see how this could cause an error?
JWH Technologies
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I don't know if having 2 calls for the same library in general is a problem or not (my guess is it shouldn't be, even if one call surely is enough), but in one particular case I ran into a problem with Shadowbox and removing the gallery plugin's jquery.min reference made that problem go away. Why it did this I have no idea.
There's nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.
Sorry guys I did not respond sooner.. I've been slammed with work!!

OWS_Matthew Wrote:
juliancc Wrote:problems
What are you actually using out of the jquery file? Would it be possible to take just what you are using
out and put that in a new .js file and name it something else and include it within your folder?
The only reason I'm using it is to do the image pop up. Which is using the same plugin that getsimple uses for the back end.

I did some research guys and I found that there is a jQuery No Conflict option.

You can read more about it here:

I will be implementing this and this should resolve any problems with any other javascript framework or another instance of jQuery.

Julian Castaneda
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button

Installed this latest and its not showing pictures in a pages now

Looking at the simple image gallery admin page I get the following error:

Permissions to the plugin thumbs directory might not be set correctly.

Current Permissions:
Recommended Permissions: 755

It sure is set to 755

Looking in the squareit-gallery/thumbs folder and there is not a thumbs folder?

Yet I have one at data/thumbs?

Chefbyte Services
The error you are seeing in the admin panel may be ok. I have my permissions set at 755 and I get the same error!
When visiting the admin panel do you see any of the pictures you have uploaded?

Also what version of GS are you running

@juliancc You may want to look into the permission settings a little more...
JWH Technologies
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OWS_Matthew Wrote:The error you are seeing in the admin panel may be ok. I have my permissions set at 755 and I get the same error!
When visiting the admin panel do you see any of the pictures you have uploaded?

Also what version of GS are you running.

Running Version 1.1.0 of simple gallery and Version GS 2.01 and Health check states all is ok with the site

Thumbs appear in the select files area, they just do not appear in the pages on the site?

Chefbyte Services
I don't mean to make you sound stupid but have you made sure to check the check box next to all the thumbs you would like to be displayed in the gallery, and made sure that you have created a page and within the page options checked the box "Enable Image Gallery? "

Once you visit the page you have created, it should display the gallery. I am going to look at her source and see really quick if I can get read of the error on the admin page its starting to bug meSmile

If this still doesn't work, I would have to have a link to the site to check the source code...

Oh! One last thing, within the FTP program you may attempt to delete the ".htaccess" file within the plugins directory. This seems to be causing some issues with many plugins due to some of the restrictions that it contains.
JWH Technologies
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