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Twitter-bootstrap GS
(2012-11-15, 02:25:54)jlm Wrote: Hi,

thank you for this great theme, but how can you create a drop down menu, I tried the plugin I18, but no meaningful results.
Second question, how to let visitors the opportunity to choose the theme CSS (as in the demo)


sorry for my " english" Undecided

Hi, at the moment the auto drop down menu with I18N is not yet implemented, you'll need to change something in the code, I will provide support for this in another realese.
To choose the theme you can use different methods both client-side or server-side, I used cookies with jQuery to do it.
You need to use a custom callout as described on the website.
I will try to post mine for people to see.

I use my own bootstrap theme on my site.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

is auto drop down menu with I18N now supported or impemented?

thanks for an answer..

(2012-12-07, 06:39:41)alexd0001 Wrote: hello,

is auto drop down menu with I18N now supported or impemented?

thanks for an answer..


Hello, the drop down menu is not implemented yet, but is on the todo list for the next release!
<header class="jumbotron subhead" id="overview">


Can you add this part to the themes?
(2012-12-14, 15:31:01)kazu Wrote: <header class="jumbotron subhead" id="overview">


Can you add this part to the themes?

Why should I include it by default?
You mean to add a template page with this part?
Hi Luca,

First of all, thank you for the great work! This is a really useful resource that takes a lot of work off my shoulder.

I've got a few questions though.

How can I have valid css3 source code?
The following page lists some errors about the demo page:

I would also like to ask, when do you plan to do the remaining tasks of your todo list?

Thank you for your help and support!

Best regards,
Balazs Nagy
This theme has its its core in my opinion the best overall use for get simple cms.
So appreciate work being done to ported to get simple.

Overall I18 is the most critical extension for galley, menu etc. i surely hope priority would be to have all I18 functionality included as part and parcel of the theme...

just a comment to the parade of comments I see about the theme..

Keep up your fine work please, perhaps you could get cooperation for the I18 developer if asked with issues in port??
Well unfortunatly I don't have always time to develop the theme and I was thinking also to try the github way to see if someone would like to collaborate.
About the css3 validation there's not much to do and this is not the place to discuss it, just wanted to point out that the css is not mine but is from twitter developers so it's not into my stuff to change it.

About the todo list I can't say when I'll be able to complete them but I agree the full integration with I18N is foundamental and as soon as I will be able to do it I will improve the theme on this way.
This is a great theme. Thanks for the work you've put into this.
well, if i18n -navigation still not wokring, how do i get some nice dropdown menu for my site?
Is anyone using this with 3.2? Extend site only lists 3.1 compatibility.

@lucamusolesi - github would be worth it - you never know what contributions you'll get - esp with this many people using it. Thanks for the great work!
I used this template also with 3.2 and I didn't find any problem!
You're right in the next days I will upload the project on github!

(2013-04-19, 02:26:53)PrplHaz4 Wrote: Is anyone using this with 3.2? Extend site only lists 3.1 compatibility.

@lucamusolesi - github would be worth it - you never know what contributions you'll get - esp with this many people using it. Thanks for the great work!
(2013-04-19, 02:29:49)lucamusolesi Wrote: I used this template also with 3.2 and I didn't find any problem!
You're right in the next days I will upload the project on github!

(2013-04-19, 02:26:53)PrplHaz4 Wrote: Is anyone using this with 3.2? Extend site only lists 3.1 compatibility.

@lucamusolesi - github would be worth it - you never know what contributions you'll get - esp with this many people using it. Thanks for the great work!

Cool, thanks! Working fine for me so far.

You don't have your splash page implemented as a template do you?

Seems a like it doesn't really suit having its own template too well without some complex combo of get_page_excerpt() or something.
(2013-04-19, 04:11:24)PrplHaz4 Wrote: You don't have your splash page implemented as a template do you?

Seems a like it doesn't really suit having its own template too well without some complex combo of get_page_excerpt() or something.

Excuse my attention span - the splash page uses the "header" template. Smile

Thanks again!
Is updating bootstrap just a matter of dropping in the new css files over the existing ones? Any idea what will break if I do that?
It should be 90% safe, but make a backup of the old files before.
I will update the theme with the version 3 of bootstrap that will be out very soon. I'm actually thinking of leaving also a theme with boostrap 2.x anyway.

(2013-04-24, 06:53:35)PrplHaz4 Wrote: Is updating bootstrap just a matter of dropping in the new css files over the existing ones? Any idea what will break if I do that?
Be sure to read the release notes, major changes will break things, especially javascript related stuff.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
I do expect bootstrap 3 to have a lot of breaking changes as it's being touted as "mobile first", whereas 2.3.x should be a bit less brittle. This might also be a good reason to keep a 2.3.x version around.
Yes that's exactly what I was thinking, as soon as bootstrap 3 will be released I will make a new theme and still work on the 2.x version, and I will put everything on github.
Considering the top nav items are non-useable as hrefs, how is everyone getting around this within GetSimple?
To use this with I18N drop down menu add the following at the end of ( before </body> )

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(".nav > li.current").removeClass("current").addClass('active');
    jQuery(".nav > li.currentpath").removeClass("currentpath").addClass('active');
    jQuery(".nav > li:has(ul)").removeClass("open").addClass("dropdown");
    jQuery(".nav .dropdown ul").addClass("dropdown-menu");
    jQuery(".nav > li.dropdown > a").addClass("dropdown-toggle");
    jQuery(".nav .dropdown-toggle").attr("data-toggle", "dropdown").append('<b class="caret"></b>');  

> To use this with other templates change 'jQuery(...' to '$(...'

Call navigation with :

PHP Code:


Thank you for a really nice theme!

In the demo, there is a multilevel menu (Header navigation). How can I get this to work? When I choose parent page, nothing happens - no submenu is created.

Thank you!
(2013-05-24, 06:26:32)ability Wrote: Hi,

Thank you for a really nice theme!

In the demo, there is a multilevel menu (Header navigation). How can I get this to work? When I choose parent page, nothing happens - no submenu is created.

Thank you!


Did you installed I18N plugin(s)?
The multi level navigation is described here :
The multi level as displayed by Bootstrap is not supported by this template (yet) but you come close with my solution as described above.
Thanks to Martin's (mvlcek) I18N Navigation - Custom Rendering you can drop my jQuery code (see above) now. These are the steps:

Add component (example) 'nav' and copy the following code into it:

$s = array('current', 'activepath', 'currentpath', 'open');
$r = array('active', 'active', 'active', 'dropdown');
$c = str_replace($s, $r, $item->classes);
<li class="<?php echo $c; ?>">
  <?php if ($item->isOpen) { ?>
    <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->link); ?>" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
      <?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->text); ?>
      <b class="caret"></b>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
      <?php $item->outputChildren(); ?>
  <?php } else { ?>
    <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->link); ?>">
      <?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->text); ?>
  <?php } ?>

In template call navigation with extra parameter to component :
PHP Code:

Remarks or suggestions are welcome Wink

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