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Mass mail (Newsletter) plugin
Some news:
Css problem solved, I saved all plugin fiels in UTF8 and it work (maybe soem apache depedencies), but problem with white page still I didnt solve.
In attachment you have Czech Translation with some changes.
hi vexcor ,
i'm italian and your transaltion for me is not usefull but i think that at other users it will be good.
I do not understand what i must do to use this wonderful plug in..
you say that users can subscribe and i think that is ok ( also if i'm not able to put on a particular position on my page or also in a new page ) but, after this , how i create the mail to send ? ..
is possible that someone ahs a complet manual or procedure to installa and configure it ? it will be fantastic to have all the procedures exact.
Bye and thanks
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
Dangerin, describe everything you have done to make this plugin work ?
Basically, you have to upload plugin's files, and paste the code in your theme file, to show a subscribe form on your website.
Quote:<?php get_mass_mail_form(); ?>

This should cover everything you need to make this plugin work with default settings.

Guys, if you step into a problem remember to on debug mode and look into log file (/data/other/logs).
I would like to help you, but I can't see what you see without having a chance to see your website by myself.

ps. this plugin isn't capable of sending 10k mails, as it doesn't contain eny queue function, and on shared hosting you won't be able to send 10k emails at once.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
hi yojoe,
i''v ereinstalled all and now it work and appear the form to subscribe and the managemente of plugin but if you say that i can not send the number of mails that i need this is a problem for me...
there is a way to obtain that i need ?
thank you for answers

perhaps do you know what is the limit of send with this plug in ?
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
For limit ask your provider.
It can by like 100 emails in general per hour (this mean ALL emails, also this from normal mailbox, smpt, phpmail, etc).

If I would like to advice you something, please go for phpList. Its free, easy to implement and have more than many users need.

This plugin will by fine for 20-30 subscribers, may by more on some cheap hostings where admin allow more spam ;P
I once had a domain with an american hoster who reduced the limit of mass mails to 300, so it would have taken 7 hours to send our newsletter...

that is mostly a limit at low-budget-hosters

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
after sending the message in GetSimple_3.1B_r533
Notice: Undefined variable: err in /home/p30318/www/ on line 124
I've been looking for such plugin long time. It works for me on my test page.
Missing features are:
- no way to simply remove subscriber by admin in control panel
- no possibility to remove subscriber by himself on the front end

Maybe it'll be worth to think about:
- archive of sent newsletters (just in backup & archive directory like the other pages)
- configure the standard footer for each newsletter like "You've got this newsletter because you've been subscribed it at (...). To unsubscribe go to (...) blah blah blah..."
- alternative newsletter in raw text instead of HTML format - choosen in subscription form.
Of cours it doesn't my demands - just ideas to think about.

PS: I'm attaching Polish translation for the plugin. It's simple and if you'd like to correct it - feel free.
This plugin prevents me to login to control panel after I log out.

First I've logged in to panel as admin and I copied plugin to plugin directory.
I played a little with this plugin and found it very nice and useful.
After a couple of minutes of inactivity I've been logged out (automatically?) from the panel.
I tried to log in again but it doesn't work.
I renamed gs_massmail.php to gs_massmail.php.bak and problem is fixed.
I tried few times rename plugin there and back again, logout and try to login again.
Always the same problem: couldn't login if plugin is installed (pure .php extension).
No errors nor warnings in DEBUG mode.

Could anybody confirm this bug?

I have Multi User plugin installed v.1.3 if it'll be a some point as the many other plugins as well.
Images in emails are not displayed because the code looks like this
<img alt=\"\" src=\"\" style=\"width: 140px; height: 111px; float: left; margin: 3px 9px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;\" />
The sending email works fine. The subscribe form doesn't. The subscribe form doesn't show up on my site and as soon as I put this code

<?php get_mass_mail_form(); ?>

in the template it breaks my footer which should come just after the subscribe form.

EDIT: In the file "mail_newsletter.php" there is no function by the name "mass_mail_form" but there is one by the name "mail_newsletter_form" but even changing this function name it doesn't help.
does anyone know what's the matter?
Notice: Undefined variable: err in /home/p30318/www/ on line 124

This doesn't work well.

In my case, I can't write down the text page, and as others told before, strange Alert appears when subscribing.


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