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Function: multi-level navigation. / Plugin for version 2!
This plugin isn't really designed for those who can't code I'm afraid. It just gives a new menu structure (as described in the first post) and depends on the theme you're using to work.

I might work on a version of the default theme that will support this menu, but until then you'll be stuck with having to write your own CSS.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
that's a pity. I wish it was as simple as adding a normal new page in the menu. I was checking quite some CMS solutions but this one was the one I liked the best so far.
I cannot wait for this to be released, as my pages are screaming for this solution for my photo album page, as I need multi paged albums due to the amount of photos, I need to display Smile

Chefbyte Services
Zegnåt Wrote:This plugin isn't really designed for those who can't code I'm afraid. It just gives a new menu structure (as described in the first post) and depends on the theme you're using to work.

I might work on a version of the default theme that will support this menu, but until then you'll be stuck with having to write your own CSS.

du är ung och vacker... hur du min svenska?
Каким образом можно вывести ссылку 1 страницы в определенном месте ? Насколько я понял выводить меню со страницами пока можно все сразу: либо горизонтально, либо вертикально, если я ошибаюсь поправьте меня.

на даннный момент моя задача вывести ссылку ( 1 элемент меню ) на определенную страницу.
I want to create a dynamic menu in my column. I reversed the float on the #sidebar and #bodycontent, so the sidebar is at the left.

Pixelounge Wrote:I think you just have to place Zegnåt's php inside admin/plugin/ and you're good to go. .....

I just downloaded and setup, and there isn't an admin/plugin/ folder in my setup


are the only folders in admin I have.

There is the plugins folder in the root, but I tried putting your file "zegnat-multilevelmenu.php" there, but nothing is building.

This is what I have edited in the template.php file:

<div id="sidebar">
        <div class="featured">
            <?php get_component('sidebar');    ?>
            <?php menu_data(); ?>
            <?php get_component('my-component'); ?>            
            <?php menu_master(); ?>
        <div class="clear"></div>
    </div><!-- end div#sidebar -->

I must be missing something.....
If you have my file in the plugin directory (it moved from within the admin folder to the root in versions newer than 2) and you have
<?php menu_master(); ?>
in your template it should output the menu there… Do you have debugging enabled so we can take a look at possible errors?
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
I was able to finally figure it out. I had <?php menu_data(); ?> in the same DIV that was causing a conflict.

Now how do I get subpages menu to drop down in the top nav bar? My Subpage is showing up in the nav bar.
jcdisciple Wrote:Now how do I get subpages menu to drop down in the top nav bar?
This will need to be handled by your theme. It will need some Javascript and/or CSS to hide the submenus until you put your cursor on the menu item. This is not contained in this plugin, this plugin just generates the HTML needed for submenu showing.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!

This plugin is perfect and works for me (i download it on the first page of the topic, i hope it is the last Smile )
But i have a little question. I would like to personalize my menu with subtitles (no sub menu, subtiles!).

My idea is to use metakeywords tag template because i don't use it for it's originally goal (because google doesn't use this meta), so i try this in the file of the plugin :

Quote:echo '<li'.("$link->slug"==$a?' class="active"'Sad$prnt>0?' class="parent"':'')).'><a href="'.$link->url.'">'.($link->menu!=""?$link->menu:$link->title).'<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><span><?php get_page_meta_keywords(); ?></span>';

But doesn't work, so i try this

Quote:echo '<li'.("$link->slug"==$a?' class="active"'Sad$prnt>0?' class="parent"':'')).'><a href="'.$link->url.'">'.($link->menu!=""?$link->menu:$link->title).'<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><span>'.$keywords.'</span>';

But it's the same...

So how could i do what i want?

Thanks a lot for your help Smile

PS: i see internet54 and n00dles101 will developp similar multiple level menu plugin with more options, do they will share their plugin?
El-Cherubin Wrote:I download it on the first page of the topic, I hope it is the last Smile
Actually, the latest version has its own topic: Version 3.

El-Cherubin Wrote:So how could I do what I want?
You’ll have to make sure the plugin reads the keywords field in the first place. I don’t think it does that at the moment.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
thanks for the update of plugin Wink i hope it works similary version 2 because it is perfect Smile

I'm not a real php developper, so could you explain me how can i forced the plugin to read the keyword field before?

thanks for help and time
I downloaded the plugin and integrated successfully into the cms but I got the problem with browser Compatibility

- The submenu is OK with Firefox
- But in IE it doesn’t show the submenu when I hover the parent menu

I added the styles for this menu. But it also didn’t applied in IE also

<div id="topbar">
  <div class="wrapper">
    <div id="topnav">
    <?php menu_master(); ?>
    <br class="clear" />

Any help for browser Compatibility settings
Thank you.
First of all, the newest version (3.1) of my plugin can be found here:

vipdesign Wrote:I got the problem with browser compatibility
This plugin is 100% compatible with all browsers, because it gives you HTML and not a drop-down menu.

vipdesign Wrote:I added the styles for this menu. But it also didn’t applied in IE also

If you want help with whatever you are using to change my plugin’s output into a drop-down menu you should post the Javascript/CSS you are using. What “styles” did you add?
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
Thanks Zegnåt.
For menu control,
Company -
- About Us
- History
- Culture
When I mouse over the company, the submenu appears. How can I disable the link on parent (Company), it just need to pull down the submenu only.
How can I setting in the plugin?
vipdesign Wrote:How can I disable the link on parent (Company), it just need to pull down the submenu only. How can I setting in the plugin?
You can’t, you will have to change the code of the plugin. You will need to rewrite the part where it created the link.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
My settings for code menu_master as below

<div id="topbar">
<div class="wrapper">

<div id="topnav">
<?php menu_master(); ?>
<br class="clear" />

See the attached file for my css & javascripts.

When i checked for error in IE, it display "Unexpected call to method or property access"

Please help
*resurrects older post*

Is the plugin still available for download? The link above is broken. I'd love to have this on a project I'm handling. I'm currently hard-coding all the sub navigation.. this would be a huge time saver.

If hosting is a problem, I'd be more than happy to handle that for a while, free. Smile

Thanks! Smile
I don’t think I actually have version 2 of my plugin anymore. I’d just suggest you switch to version 3, there shouldn’t be much of a difference.

If someone still has the original archive of version 2, contact me and I’ll put it online again.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!

i downloaded your plugin, but there is no child navi.

I called the function menu_master(); in the template.php.

In plugin_functions i put the function menu_master().

i have the version 2.03.

Is there any aditionally code i have to put?

Here is CSS only file for 3.1 version menu created by very talented Stu Nicholls and adapted by me.
It was designed for the Default_Simple Theme and should work fine with it.
I don't want to rebuild this one hardly so:

1. You must to delete or comment two lines in menu script - they are unnecessary and don't let the menu work.
They are the 46 and 62 lines in menu script and the first one and the last one in this piece (marked with # at the beginning):
#echo '<ul class="menu">';
        foreach ($menu as $link) {
            if ("$link->slug" == "") $link->slug = "index";
            $isActiveParent = count($data->xpath('//item[slug="'.$a.'"][parent="'.$link->slug.'"]'))>0;
            echo '<li'.("$link->slug"==$a?' class="active"':($isActiveParent?' class="parent"':'')).'><a href="'.$link->url.'">'.$link->menu.'</a>';
            $menu = $data->xpath('//*[parent="'.$link->slug.'"]');
            usort($menu, "menu_sorting");
            if (count($menu) > 0) {
                echo '<ul class="submenu">';
                foreach ($menu as $link) {
                    echo '<li'.("$link->slug"==$a?' class="active"':'').'><a href="'.$link->url.'">'.$link->menu.'</a></li>';
                echo '</ul>';
            echo '</li>';
#echo '</ul>';
2. Delete "#header #nav" block from the /*HEADER*/ part of template's default.css (OR it will conflict with menu.css). You can replace this block with content of menu.css and pass the third step.
3. Write the path to the menu.css in your template.php
4. Enjoy Wink

It works for 5 parent menu elements - so if you have less or more you can vary width of each (width:188px; in my case) to fill the page width in line that begins with "#nav li a" in menu.css.

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