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PROBLEM "Can't open file" error when saving an edited theme template

I'm very new to GetSimple CMS. I just successfully installed it and loaded my website. The only problem with my installation was the .htaccess file which caused 'internal server error' when I renamed it from temp.htaccess. However, when I don't rename it, my website is working just fine, so I just leave it as temp.htaccess for now.

Then, I face this "can't open file" error when I try to edit the theme template and save it. I've googled around for answer but I couldn't find any. Does anyone experience this problem? Is this error related to the .htaccess file? Please kindly help me on how to edit the theme template using the theme editor in the admin panel.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance Smile

Htaccess probably failed to write the replace.
Find the line that says replace and hangs the root to your website root
Usually /

Check health check also.
Can you post the exact error for the theme edit?
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks for your prompt reply.

Yes, I've tried to change the **REPLACE** comment to / in my .htaccess file as you suggested. However, if I don't comment out the whole rewriteengine module, it will cause internal server error. Another parts that I've commented out are options-indexes and option follow symlinks. With this configuration, I've got the .htaccess file working without causing internal server error.

The path to my theme is as stated in theme editor of the admin panel.

During the installation, I had to change the data and backup directory to 777 instead of 755. Currently, all the folders are set to 755 and the files to 644 except those two folders mentioned before.

I ran the website health check as you suggested found out there are two possible problems, the cURL module states it is not installed and the theme .htaccess states 'no file - OK'. Could this be causing the problem? I've checked that there is no .htaccess file in the theme folder.

Once again, I'd greatly appreciate your assistance Smile

You can probably try 775 also.

Are you using the latest version?
Does your health check say mod rewrite is available?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Yes, I'm using the latest GetSimple 3.3.2

And yes, the apache mod rewrite is 'installed - ok'

I just want to give you an update that I've managed to solve this "can't open file" error when editing a theme. I just changed the permission for all the template files to 666.

Now I can directly edit the template files directly from CMS without causing any error.

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