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Changing Hosts
Is there anything special about transferring a GS site between hosts - I mean since there is not database involved, this would seem like it wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm sure things are NEVER that easy :0)

if you transfer all the files between root dirs, or between same nested dirs, there shouldn't be any problem. Othwerwise, make a backup in admin panel, then install a fresh GS instance in new location, and copy the backuped files. Of course you will have to configure GS again.

Hmm.. afair even moving between directories would make it work, but only if you won't use friendly urls. I can't remind myself if admin panel worked without problems after such transfer.

I didn't look inside files which paths should have to be changed after moving whole GS instance to another directory. But that's something I'll have to look into in nearest future. I use friendly urls, and would like only to archive whole site, and move it to another location , instead of installing it fresh and waste the time to configure it again, and again.
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It is rather easyto move hosts, if you search around the forum I am positive there's a tutorial around here. The biggest thing that I can remember is changing your site URL in admin/settings. I may be wrong but I think that was the only thing other than confirming all permissions are set correctly on the new host.
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that and the .htaccess file may need chnged to match a new subdirectory if one is being used
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I made a post about moving a site from a server to another:

I did a test and it worked for me, although I may have left something out.

As Matthew points, it would be appropriate confirming all permissions are set correctly on the new host. A way to do this would be trying to create a page, upload some file etc in your new GetSimple installation BEFORE uploading any files from the source site.

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