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Slash at the end of every URL, why?
Hi, I am a new GS user, thanks for such a promising lite CMS.

One thing bothers me though, why does GS set a slash at the end of every page when set to "Use Fancy URL's", an example from your very own site: , as far as I know (and was taught), this means a totaly different directory, I know I can set the "Custom Permalink Structure" (in 2.02_RC1) to show %parent%/%slug% without the slash at the end (which I have done), but I am just wondering why you have by default set Fancy URL's to use a slash at the end of every navigated page. (I am not saying you are wrong, just thinking that you know something I don't in regards to SEO)

1) Is there a reason for this?
2) Wouldn't this confuse search engine spiders?

Thanks for your time, and again, a lot of potential for this great little CMS.

Regards Denis
I don't see any slashes at the end of fancy urls on website I'm currently building.
Are you sure, you are talking about GS 2.01 ?
Show what you have in your .htaccess in root directory.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I also do not see
@yojoe, Oleg:
it's since 2.02

Chris asked for opinions about the trailing slash change here:
BTW I suggest you test some newer 2.02 revision instead of RC1 (which had some issues that have been fixed)
Didn't test 2.02 yet. I've got enough problems with 2.01 Wink
I can't imagine how many more "WTFs" I'd yell with 2.02 RC Wink

Anyway, I thought that trailing slashes may be added inside rewrite rule, after /?$, but it's not that simple as I might think.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad

Really, try 2.02 r165. A lot of issues that were still in 2.01 have been fixed since. Also fixes some other new issues in 2.02 RC1. So I think r165 is the best one right now.

About custom permalinks: all examples of link structures shown in that thread work NOW with any current GetSimple site (no matter what version) without editing the default .htaccess file, if it has mod_rewrite.

(If you don't have mod_rewrite, you could still use custom permalinks to remove 'index.php' from you site URLs.)
Ok, I have just discussed this with a fellow drupal user, he says the same as I thought, a trailing slash is considered a totaly different directory, not good for SEO he states (his opinion). That aside, I do have mod_rewrite, I know some of you here have no trailing slashes in your URL's, but I am getting it with fancy url's set, though like I said, I am using custom permalink structure to avoid it, I will take your advice & try a later RC version, but RC1 was the only one I could find.

Could some one please post a link to the latest RC, Thankyou


P.S. I have a suggestion to do away with the meta key words field & instead replace it with title field, I know I can modify it to do that, but the average user wouldn't know how to do it, meta keywords are useless these days, & because the author of the program says that GS has nothing it shouldn't, well!...................

About the trailing slash and SEO... Google doesn't care:

Download latest beta GS here:
Thanks Carlos, at the end of the day, it's all a great SEO debate that is best left alone.

I'll down load the newest version and try it out, by the way, can the people here let us know how many pages they have set up on there GS website, I am looking for people who have tonnes of pages, I want to know how there website performs with so many pages.


I've done some tests to create site with 3000 pages with little impact on the performance of the site.
Each page was enabled on the menu to force them to be read each time the page was rendered.

Rgds, Mike.
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Website: DigiMute

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